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Y/n's pov & dabis*

Me and dabi were just chillin cuddling watching some Netflix when someone barged in " dabi can you come help me with somethin-" "what do you need toga?" "Oh I was gonna ask you to help me find the prisoner but I guess she's in here".. " ok well good bye then" dabi said but as she walked away she looked kinda sad..

"Toga right?" I asked her " w-what oh yes my name is toga?" "Come here" I said as she walked over to the right side of the bed with a look in her eyes " turn around and bend down a little bit!" When she bent down I took her two buns out " you should only put 3 Bobby pins and I tie in each bun?!

"Oh thank you. And your name is?" " its y/n, y/n l/n" "cool" and then she walked out.

"Dabi can I go meet the rest?.." I said being really curious who else was there. " I guess but I'm gonna go with you" "okay!"

Me and dabi walked out and the first room I saw had some stripper poles "I wonder if I could sneak out to do some of my old striping dances maybe I could ask toga to take me to steal bakugou?" I thought to myself..

We walked out and I see toga and a boy with pastel blue hair and I went up to tap him on the shoulder. "Hi"..  he looked around at me and gave me this look  "aren't you that girl we took when we were at place with all the different courses or something?" "Yes?" He then gave me a small laugh and turned away

"what was that for?" He got up out of the chair and walked toward me and stoped right infront of me " listen girl dont get sarcastic with me" he put his hand around me neck with 4 fingers..

"If I put this last finger down you die so don't piss me off" I started to laugh " you can't kill me im Immuned to your quirk dipshit" you could see the rage in his eyes "really so what if I just" he put his last finger down and was shocked

"See i told you" "h-how?!" I laughed at his face " I have demon quirk..I'm straight from hell babe"

He looked at me in my eyes I had to admit he was kinda cute " hmm well guess we will have a littel competition for best villain, demon girl" he said " demon girl huh" I walked away from him a noticed dabis face

He looked kinda mad and kinda jealous. I saw toga and decided to get to know her a little better..

"Hey toga I was wondering if we could hang out get to know you a little bit better?" " yes! We could do like a movie night just for us!!"she sounded so happy it made me chuckle a littel bit. " you mean a girls night dork!" She said yes and took me to her room..

Her room was a light baby pink with LED lights on white with butter flies on the wall and a TV and a white vanity with perfume and hair ties, Bobby pins and some pictures of her with the LOV

" I like your room its really pretty" "thank you!" She closed the door and took me to her closet " wow!" "Do you like it!" Her closet was HUGE she had some pretty dresses and different pairs of her everyday clothes "bruh I absolutely love it!. Also I was wondering you wanted to sneak into my old house and help me get some of my stuff?"

She seemed like she wanted to do it and I was surprised with her answer "yes that would be so fun!" "Okay let's wait till about 2 in the morning to leave sound good?" "Umm yea!"

While we were waiting we watched some movies she even snuck into dabis room and grabbed my phone for me.

It was time to leave so she let me borrow some black clothes and we left. We get get to my house and we sneak in from my bad room window and the first thing I grab is my clothes and some of my stripper outfits.

I got to my desk grab makeup and perfume. I grab a charger for my phone. And I got under my bed to get some of my platform shoes. " hey what are these?" " what?" "These pictures whos that?" I go over to her and its a bunch of pictures of my and bakugou from when we were littel to now..

"Oh can you please take those to?" I asked her "ofcourse! Also shouldn't someone be up we have been really loud?" "Nah nobody's home tonight" she nodded her head we packed all my stuff and left.

"Hey there's one more stop i want to do if thats okay with you?" " ya thats  fine with me" "k" i started to make my way to   bakugous house i sunck into his room "he sleeping so peacefully" I thought to myself " "Bakugou bakugou wake up" I whispered to him i got him to wake up "y/n!" He whispered back " come on bakugou if ypu don't come with me now you probably won't see me again" he got up "pack some of your stuff bakugou" I said he started to pack his stuff and after 15 minutes we finally left.

We get back to the LOV and I go inside with bakugou and toga. And dabi and shigaraki were standing right infront of us "and were have you two been this early in the morning?" "Dabi we just went to go get some stuff chill" " y/n who's this extra?" " oh this is dabi, dabi bakugou bakugou dabi" "tch whatever"

They both seemed pretty pissed off. I dont know why they have never met. " dabi is it okay if bakugou sleeps in our room on the floor until we get him a room?" "I guess I don't really care" "ok!" I started to walk down the hallway when I got pulled in by my waist into this small room in the hallway " how lovely someone i can touch with all my fingers~".

"Hello?" I said but I already knew who it was. "What if I just-" and he pulled me in and kissed me. His lips were kinda dry but I didn't mind. " surprise, surprise ypur actually a good kisser" i said to shigaraki he laughed abit " well you do know I haven't always been scary" he said

" you shpuld go help that blone kid get settled he has a pretty strong quirk he should say" and with a small smile he walked away. And i went back to dabi and bakugo " come on bakubabe lets go" we all walked to Dabis room and got bakugo set up on the floor for now and me and dabi in his bed.

After everyone was asleep or so i thought I said " good night brother love you.." I forget how close I am to bakugo, but I hear a " love you to sister i hope your right about this place.."

And with that I went to bed with a smile pn my face and cuddling with dabi feeling mpre at home than ever

  Okay so I did have alot of fun righting this. And for once it didn't take that long since i was working on it non stop but i hope you like it but im not sure if I should make shigy a switch or a top or a bottom idk tell me plz and umm if theres any spelling mistakes just ingnore it any way thank you for reading my book:)

Word count: 1300

A dabi x Shigaraki x Reader《LITTLE TO ALOT SMUT》Where stories live. Discover now