Getting Together

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Jake's POV

It's been a week since Izzy came home from the hospital. She's been resting on the couch while watching TV. She's currently resting on her bed while I'm making her breakfast in bed for her. I heard the doorbell go.

"Cubby! Can you go and get that for me?" I called him.

"Sure!" Cubby exclaimed as he went to answer the door.

"Hello Peter, Wendy, John, and Michael!" Cubby exclaimed. My eyes widened when he mentioned that John's name. What is he doing here?

"Hey Jake! I told Wendy, John, and Michael about Izzy's terrible accident and that she had surgery on her leg." Peter exclaimed.

"Sure." I exclaimed as I grind my teeth.

"Peter, I'm going to see Izzy. Where is she?" John asked us.

I ran to him, so he can't visit Izzy.

"She's asleep! You can't visit her." I exclaimed.

"Well I'm going to see her. I'm guessing she's in her bed. So where's the bedroom?" John asked me.

"I'm not telling you. She doesn't want to see you." I exclaimed.

"Yes she does. Now I'm going to see her." John exclaimed as he pushed me out of the way as a I fell on the floor.

Cubby ran towards me after John left to see Izzy.

"Are you okay Jake?" Cubby asked me as he helped me up.

"I'm fine." I exclaimed as I brushed the dust off my jeans.

"Are you sure?" Cubby asked me.

"Yeah, what was that about with John?" Peter asked me.

"It's nothing. Okay?" I exclaimed as I folded my arms.

"Jake, you're jealous. Just admit it." Cubby exclaimed.

"I'm not jealous. I'm just going out of my way to separate John and Izzy." I exclaimed.

"He's just going to pay her a visit." Cubby exclaimed.

"Yeah but what if he asks her to be his girlfriend. What would I do then?" I exclaimed.

"Jake, you just have to tell Izzy that you have a crush on her." Cubby exclaimed.

"I can't!" I exclaimed.

"Why not?" He asked me.

"I'm afraid she might not like me back." I exclaimed.

"She will." Cubby exclaimed.

"How do you know??" I asked him.

"She told me that she has a crush on you!" Cubby exclaimed as I was shocked while Cubby covered his mouth.

"Wait she does? She likes me too?" I asked him.

"Yes but please don't tell her that I told you that or she will kill me." Cubby exclaimed.

"I'm going to ask her. Time to confess my feelings to her." I exclaimed as I walked to our bedroom.

Izzy's POV

I was lying on my bed, reading one of my books, while I was waiting for my breakfast.I heard footsteps come up the stairs.

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