Izzy's Back Surgery

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Jake's POV

It's been a couple of days since Izzy woke up from her coma, and it has not been easy. I have to sleep next to her, which I don't mind but since she is so used to sleeping on her side, and she has to sleep on her back this whole time while her back recovers but she keeps trying to move to sleep on her side, so I have to gently roll her back onto her back. She talks very little now, she doesn't have a problem with her speech, which is a relief but she keeps believing that her life will never be the same again but we all try to tell her that her life will be the same but she just doesn't listen. She's also been getting x-rays on her back and it's showing no progress of healing. She's got second x-rays of her arm and leg. Her arm has healed a little bit but not that much, her leg hasn't healed at all yet.

Me, Cubby, and Skully were awake before Izzy. I could tell Izzy was pretending to sleep. To Izzy, it seems like her world has totally changed. Especially after experiencing being in a coma for two weeks, it was hard for all of us to witness it, especially me. I tried shaking her gently.

"Izz...Izz...I know you're awake and not sleeping." I quietly say. She groaned.

"Izzy, c'mon just face the world." Cubby says.

"Yeah, we all know you can do it." Skully says.

"No, I don't want to face the world...I can't do it...I just want my old life back, the old me back." Izzy groaned, as she pulled the blanket over her head. We all sighed (apart from Izzy) and looked at each other, worried.

"The Izzy I know is still there, we just need her to come out." I say, as I pulled the blanket away from her head.

"Maybe, if I sleep, then none of this would've happened and I can go back to my old life. Goodnight." Izzy exclaimed, as she sat up a bit too quickly. Oh no, she wasn't supposed to sit up. She layed down too quickly as she hit her fractured back on her hospital bed "Oww...my back...it hurts..." She says, as she puts her good hand behind her back. We all became really worried as we saw tears coming out of her eyes.

"Skully, go and get the doctor." I say, as Skully nodded and flew off to get the doctor. I brought her into a hug, as I leaned down next to her. She leaned her head into my shoulder. I think she has fractured her back even more.

"I'm going to Misty's cottage and let Stormy know that Izzy has woken up from her coma." Cubby says, as he was beginning to leave the room. I nodded, as he left the room.

"Jake...I don't want to have surgery..." Izzy whispered, as I looked at her with a sad look on my face. I kissed her forehead.

"I know Izz...shh...everything's going to be alright." I whispered into her ear while rubbing her shoulders. She kept on softly crying until Skully came in with the doctor.

"This young bird told me everything. How are you feeling Isabella?" The doctor asked her, as I held her hand.

"Like my back is attacking me." Izzy exclaimed, with pain in her voice.

"Okay, I will get the doctor crew to come down here and take you to get another x-ray done on your back." The doctor exclaimed, as he left the room while Izzy nodded.

"Hey, where'd Cubby go?" Skully asked us, alarmed as he looked around the hospital room.

"Oh, he went to Misty's cottage to let Stormy know that Izzy has woken up from her coma." I exclaimed.

"I want my teddy bear..." Izzy says, softly. Wait, I'm sure Cubby had Izzy's teddy bear with him. Maybe, he accidently dropped it when he found out that Izzy woke up from her coma. I looked at the doorway, saw no teddy bear there, oh no...I think it's either gotten lost or a little kid must've picked it up and took it home.

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