Chapitre 14 : Siblings reunited

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"FIRE !" Nothing shouted in joy as she looked at the reddish-brown maned rogue before her. Her amber-yellow eyes sparkled in nothing but pure happiness while the rest of the Pridelanders along with Feather , Hover and Aisha were watching her with wide eyes.

"SISTER ! What are you doing all the way out here ?!" Fire asked his sister as the two approached each other with happy smile on their faces. But hearing this, made Nothing's smile disappear "Proud took over and forced me to leave..." she began to say in a sad tone before adding with a smile "I can't believe you are here ! I gave up on finding you..."

When she finished, her brother looked sympathetic and Tangle , who staid behind , looked sad for her as well "Oh no... I'm so sorry sister ... I didn't even think of that ! " Fire began to say as he briefly glanced at the circular scar on his shoulder before looking back at her " When Quickmane came after me....Everything happened so fast ! He gave me this.." the reddish-brown maned Lion added as he gestured to his shoulder with his head where the scar was.

(Flashback )

Fire was facing Quickmane growling. Blood streamed down his left shoulder where the brown-red maned Lion bite him. The Older Male was glaring at him with hatred as the rain kept falling from the sky while some mist surrounded the two. "He almost had me when Proud came at him from his blind side..." From the mist, on the right side of Quickmane, appeared a light brown furred young Lion with a pale brown muzzle, belly, paws, and orange eyes . He had a large brown chocolated Mane.

As the large Barbary Lion had Quickmane pinned down, he looked at Fire who was looking back at him with wide eyes of surprise and shock. Suddenly, Quickmane attacked Proud and the two engaged into a fight under Fire's green eyes. "I could barely walk....but Tangle help me escape.. Everyone scattered and that was the last I saw any of the others.." Tangle led his injured friend away from the fight as rain still fell. The two young Lions walked away as Proud was still battling Quickmane.

"It was just Tangle and me after that..."

(End of Flashback)

When Fire finished the story, the disabled Lioness looked at her brother's friend still standing away from the two "Thank you Tangle" The Blonde Maned Male nodded with a smile before saying "Friends sticks together..." Fire looked back at him with a smile as he nodded in agreement.

Nothing then looked at her brother before walking back toward Hover "So Sister....Who are your friends ?" Fire asked the disabled Lioness as he looked at the Pridelanders "Oh right ! Fire , Tangle....The Red Maned Male is Simba, King of the Pridelands..." Nothing presented the King who looked at the newcomers with a smile as he bowed his head in greeting. Then the disabled Lioness presented the rest of the Pride but stopped when she looked at a certain reddish-beige furred young Lion.

"Fire... Do you recognized him ?" The reddish-brown maned Lion looked at the younger Lion with a frown before widening his eyes in recognition "Feather ?! You are here too !" "Hey Fire ! Its been a long time !" Feather greeted his cousin with a smile. His cousin was surprised to find the younger Lion here in ANOTHER Pride than in the Sisters' Steppe.

"Are you okay Fire ?" Nothing asked her brother with concern. Fire shook his head before responding "I'm fine....Its just... I'm confused..." "You are not the only one..." Tangle added as he stepped closer. Hover smirked deviously as she spoke for the first time "Let me guess what you are thinking : What is a King ? And Why Feather is still alive despise being in another Pride ?"

The two rogues looked at her as they responded at the same time "Yes".

They looked at each other with wide eyes which caused everyone to laugh about how comical it was. When everyone calmed down , Simba approached the duo. The Red Maned Lion was a bit bigger than the two younger Males and he towered them a bit "Because you are Nothing's brother, you are allowed to stay long as you don't try anything against my Pride or myself...You too as well Tangle..."

The two Rogues nodded and everyone walked back to Priderock. Of course, Fire and Tangle were bit shocked by the magnificence of the rock-like structure earning amused giggles from some Lionesses. Then they all laid down near the Watering Hole and Nothing explained the way of life of the Pridelands to the newcomers along with Hover and Feather. To say they were surprised was an understatement : after all, they all were taught about Pride Law and here those Lions had a different vision of it... A much more peaceful one.

" I think I will like it here... " Tangle said as the disabled Lioness finished her explanation of the Pridelands "Me too Tangle but....I still can't believe Proud exiled you !" Fire growled angrily as he unsheathed his claws " To be honest...He wanted to kill me because I was useless... but I managed to convince him to let me go... Oh and before I leave, he charged me to tell you something..." "What is it ?" Her brother asked with a raise-brow while the others looked at the disabled Lioness with curiosity

"He told me that what he did was nothing personal...that it was just what a Mane has to do to survive... He told to make sure sure you know that" Nothing explained as she remember the words Proud said after exiling her. Fire staid silent for a moment but soon shook his head "I understand and I can't be mad at him for that... " then the reddish-brown Male looked back at his sister "Don't you want to change your name ?"

Before the disabled Lioness could answer , Feather stepped in "I don't think you should..." Nothing looked at her cousin with surprise as well as everyone else "How come ?" she asked him still surprised "Because Nothing doesn't mean what your Mom wanted it to mean anymore... She gave you that name to make you feel bad right ? She tried to make it mean 'worthless' right ? But Nothing doesn't mean worthless now !" The younger Lion began to explain and everyone staid silent even Fire and Tangle.

" It means brave and kind and strong ! Its what you're afraid of : nothing. You made it mean who you are ! That's special ! And no one should change it !" Feather added calmly as he looked at his cousin whose eyes were filled with tears while everyone was looking at him with amazement. Nothing then get up before pulling the reddish-beige furred Male into a hug "Oh Feather..."

Feather smiled and returned the hug "He is right you know..." Hover said as she watched her mate cuddling her cousin " Your name don't define who you are....Its our actions who define our personality..." Nala added with a smile and everyone nodded in agreement , smiling. Aisha then looked at her mate with nothing but pure amazement and love.

Fire , during all this time, staid silent as he processed Feather's words but soon he smiled "You always were the most courageous one back home....After all, you defeated Quickmane when most cubs couldn't defeat a dung beetle !" he said the last part with a hint of humor which caused everyone to snicker in amusement.

"Alright everyone we should go back in the Royal Den... All of us" The King said as he looked at Fire and Tangle who smiled back at him before walking away as Sun started to decline. Simba was the first one to enter the cave but was quickly followed by the rest of his Pride. Only Fire and Tangle weren't allowed to go in as they had to gain his trust first. So Nothing showed them another cave which used to be Scar's back when Mufasa , Simba's father, was still King of the Pridelands.

As they approached the cave, Nothing told the two about Simba's history and of course , they were a bit shocked by it... particularly Fire. (after all Fire AND Nothing lost their father years ago because of Quickmane). The disabled Lioness wished them good night before walking back toward the Royal Den to join her mate and enjoy a peaceful night. She was really happy right now because she had now her brother at her side like when they were still cubs and the disabled Lioness hoped that Simba would allow them BOTH to stay.

(To be continued...)

Note : I plan to put Fire and Tangle with Lionesses but however I don't know what to do next ! Should I make them create a Pride of their own or make them stay in the Pridelands with Simba and the others ? Please help me

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