Chapitre 11 : Kovu's betrayal and Exile

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Nothing woke up the next morning before her mate and she turned her head to see Simba and Kovu walking away side by side. The disabled Lioness looked at Kiara who looked enchanted by something "Good morning Kiara ! How are you ?" Nothing asked her gently and soft enough so she won't disturb her mate's rest.

The Princess looked at her with a smile "I'm feeling great ! Daddy FINALLY decided to give Kovu a chance !" The disabled Lioness smiled at those words but she sensed than Kiara was happy for another reason " And you are happy just for that ? Or there is more ?" The Princess's face brightened again "Yes ! Kovu and I are dating !"

Nothing's eyes widened at those words " What about Feather ?" she knew her cousin was in love with Kiara and she wanted to know how he was feeling about the Princess dating another Male. "He is fine ! He is dating a Lioness named Aisha !" This answer surprised the disabled Lioness deeply but she sighed in relief : at least Feather won't be sad now that he is dating someone else.

Speaking of the Brown-reddish Maned Lion, he wasn't in the Royal Den right now. Nothing looked around with a frown "Where is Feather ?" "He might still be with Aisha... He didn't came back with us last night..." The disabled Lioness nodded before a loud yawn caught her attention. Turning her head , she saw Hover waking up "Good morning love~" Nothing cooed to the gray Lioness who purred gently before licking her neck "Good morning to you too hun~"

Then Hover looked at Kiara "Good morning Princess ! " "Good morning Hover !" Kiara responded with her usual playful demeanor. The gray Lioness got up before stretching her body and looking around "Where are Feather , Kovu and Simba ?" she asked the other two with a frown. Nothing explained to her mate what Kiara told her and Hover was kinda surprised to hear that Feather was dating another Lioness than Kiara. After that, the three stepped out of the Royal Den before chatting to each other until Nala joined them.

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Meanwhile, Feather was walking with Aisha near the gorge where Mufasa , Simba's father, died years ago. The honey furred Lioness with green eyes had learned a lot from her new mate and she was saddened by the fact he had lost his father when he was still a little cub but happy that he got raised by his cousin and her mate.

For his part, Feather also got to learn a lot about Aisha : she had to left her Pride because a rogue killed her father and tried to abuse her. The reddish-beige Male never thought he would love another Lioness beside Kiara but it seems he was wrong. Aisha was gentle, caring, kindhearted but also loyal and courageous. As they walked near the gorge, they heard roars coming from it.

That took their curiosity and approached the edge to see....Simba pursued by some Lionesses he didn't saw before ! "SIMBA !" He yelled from his place as he ran toward the dam which retained the river followed by Aisha.

As they arrived, they saw Kovu standing there not even trying to help Simba as the Red Maned Lion was climbing the wall of logs followed by a smaller male Lion with scraggly mane.

The strange male managed to brag one of Simba's back-paws but then the log he stood on broke and while Simba was climbing away, some logs fell right on him crushing him. "Simba give me your paw !" Feather shouted hurriedly as he stretched his right fore-leg toward the King who extended one of his own paws in return.

Feather pulled out Simba from the gorge to safety "Thank you Feather..." the King mumbled gratefully to the younger Lion before looking at the strange Lioness before him "Who are you ?" he asked her suspiciously "I'm Aisha , Feather's mate~" the honey furred Lioness responded as she pressed her head against the brown-reddish maned Lion's. Simba looked perplex for a moment but soon groaned in pain causing the other two to look at him in concern.

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