Chapter 3 : Unexpected Visit and New Land

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The sun was appearing and Nothing was still peacefully asleep with Feather against her side. She was dreaming about Hover when Sharptongue appeared "Hello granddaughter~" the Old Lioness said in a welcoming tone ."Sharptongue ?! Is that really you ? " Nothing asked in disbelief as she looked at her grandmother. When she was alive, the former Hunt Chief was against her grandchild's huntress name and it was not a surprise she didn't use it now. When the spirit nodded, Nothing approached her grandmother and the two cuddled each other happily until Sharptongue broke it.

Nothing was about to ask her how she could he here and why when Sharptongue looked at something behind her. The disabled Lioness turned her head and gasped in shock at what she saw : an area full of all sorts of Animals , a place full of green with a gigantic Rock-like-structure in the middle of this beautiful paradise. Nothing looked back at her grandmother who seemed to know what she was about to ask "This is where you should go granddaughter... You and Feather. The Pride who lived there will welcome you...both of you... Go now !" the Old Lioness said almost as a whisper but before she disappeared, Nothing stopped her "But where is this place ?" "Go to North....Follow the Birds..." Sharptongue responded softy before disappearing for good.

It was at this moment Nothing woke up. The disabled Lioness looked around with wide eyes before reporting her attention on Feather , still sleeping against her belly. Carefully she nudged him with her muzzle and he tiredly opened his eyes before looking at her questioningly "Nothing ? It is morning already ?" His tired state was kinda cute she had to admit. Smiling, she nodded to him "Yes Come one get up....We have a long walk ahead of us..."

Feather stretched his body , yawning before looking at the disabled Lioness with a smile "I'm ready Nothing..." With a nod, the two walked away this time they headed to North. For hours, they walked on hot sand without pauses.....Well almost without pauses : when they found some carcasses or small prey , they feasted on before resuming their trip.

Suddenly as Nothing was slowly losing hope, she looked up to see....Flamingos ! Feather saw them too and he became excited : after all Flamingos always went in area where there was Water ! "Lets follow them Nothing !" the Red Cub said excitedly before rushing away. The disabled Lioness looked at him with amusement as she slowly followed him. Unlike Feather, she only had THREE valid legs so she couldn't go as fast as him.

Nothing thought of her dream from last night and she understood now what Sharptongue meant by 'Follow the Birds '. Feather was still running ahead not noticed he was far away from Nothing until she called from him "FEATHER ! WAIT UP !" The Red cub turned his head and saw Nothing struggling to follow him. Despise his excitement, he staid still waiting for her to reach him and when she did , he asked her "Are you okay ? " "Yes don't worry about me... Let's keep moving now !" Feather nodded and the two followed the Birds who were a bit far but still visible thanks to their feathers' color.

After a long time, the sand began to morph into grasses. It was good to not fell warmth under their paws. Nothing and Feather then climbed on a hill and what they saw amazed them : they had entered a beautiful and huge territory filled with all sorts of Animals : Elephants, Giraffes, Rhinoceros, Wildebeests, Buffaloes , Zebras etc... Nothing couldn't believe it : it was the same place that Sharptongue showed her in her dream ! "Nothing its so....beautiful" The Red Cub beside her whispered in amazement and the disabled Lioness couldn't help but being agree with his statement. She had never see a place that beautiful in her life.

Climbing down the hills, the two exhausted Lions approached a river and greedily lapped the surface , drinking to their heart contents. It felt good to have water after wandering for a long time in the Stretch. When they finished , their tummies were almost begging them to stop drinking. However, Nothing remembered another detail her grandmother told her in her dream ' The Pride who lived there will welcome you'. Its meant that they had to look for this Pride and asked them if they could stay.

But Nothing was a bit hesitant to do that : the Mane of this Pride will accept Feather or not ?

A Mane had to kill all the cubs who weren't his after all. That's what Pride Law demanded. She remembered the day when Quickmane killed her father Starmane. After defeating her father in a single combat, the victor killed her second brother ,Spark. If she hadn't attacked him back then, she and Fire would be dead already.

"Nothing ? " Feather's voice called her back and she looked at him "Yes Feather ?" "I was wondering if there was a Pride living here..." The Lion-Cub said as he looked at his cousin. "I don't know really... " The disabled Lioness whispered with a sigh : she didn't wanted to tell him about her dream and Sharptongue's words.

"I hope its not the case... They might not be pleased to see us on their territory..." Feather remarked seriously "Yes not let's go looking for food....I'm starving..." "Me too..." the Cub said as he followed his cousin as she walked among the tall grass. After a moment, a strange voice echoed above them " HEY WHO ARE YOU ?!" the two looked up to see a Hornbill flying above them. "I'm Nothing and this little guy is Feather " The disabled Lioness responded as she eyed the Bird with a frown. The Hornbill then landed on a rock near them but staid alert , just in case "You are in the lands of King Simba !" the Bird announced as he eyed the two "Who is this 'King Simba' ?" Feather asked the bird with some curiosity.

"Simba is the Lion King of the Pridelands !" The Blue Bird responded with respect as he spoke the name of the King. Nothing didn't understand what this bird meant by King : a Male in a Pride is called a Mane not a King after all... She shook her head to chase her thought as she looked back at the Bird "Is it possible to meet this 'King' ?"

The Hornbill eyed them both suspiciously : those strangers were both thin and one of them was walking on only three legs. Those two won't case many problems it seems. The Bird nodded"Alright follow me....I will escort you to King Simba and before I forgot I'm Zazu , the King's majordomo"

Despise their confusion, both Lions nodded and followed as the Bird flied away. As they walked , Nothing was still wondering if this 'King Simba' would accept them in his Pride or he would kill them.

(To be continue...)

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