Chapitre 6 : Kovu, Crocodiles and Confrontation

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Feather and Kiara were running toward a desolated place that was the Outlands.

Kiara then climbed a log with crossed a large river who was the border between Pridelands and Outlands. At the other side of the Log, the Princess tripped and crashed against something hard but soft to the touch. Feather saw who she had crashed into : it was a Lion cub like them but he was different.

To begin, this cub had auburn fur and his muzzle, paws and underbelly were creamy brown in color. He had a dark brown tuft on his head and also sports tufts of fur on his elbow joints that match the color of his head tuft and tail tip. This cub also had green emerald eyes.

When the two cubs regained their composure , the auburn cub went into challenge posture , snarling and Kiara backed away from ,scared. "Who are you Pridelander ?" he asked menacingly as he advanced toward her , barring his teeth. The Princess backed away in fear and tried to avoid him but he always got in her way "What are you doing ?" "My father said to never turn your back on an Outsider !" "Oh ? Always do what Daddy said ?" The auburn cub taunted her mockingly and Feather looked at him with anger

He pounced and landed between the two , growling at the strange cub "Leave her alone !" he snarled and the other male cub snarled in response " Can't you defend yourself Daddy's little girl ?" the Auburn Cub mocked the Princess and Feather growled at him. However the Outsider Cub turned his back before climbing on a rock on the river. "An Outsider doesn't need help ! I take care of myself !" The cub said hauntingly. Kiara climbed on the rok after him while Feather staid where he was.

Suddenly he noticed something : the rock had ...eyes ? The Red Cub gasped when he understood that this rock was a Crocodile whose mouth was opening right behind his friend ! "KIARA COME BACK QUICK !" The Princess her head to see a large open mouth in front of her. Screaming they narrowly escaped, leaping from rock to rock across the river and out of the reach of the crocodiles' jaws as more and more rise up out of the water. They rested on two unmoving "stones" further down, and begin to pant and giggle.

Feather , for his part, climbed on the log from earlier before reaching the Pridelands' side of the border. Then he looked at the two and gasped : Kiara ran up a tree limb, getting out of reach; however, the auburn cub ran past her, leaping from crocodile to crocodile down the river "Hey.. what about me?" Kiara inquired fearfully "I'll distract them. Run !" The strange cub shouted as he sliped off the last crocodile into the water; as he came up, gasping for air, the crocodiles loomed over him. " Look out ! " Kiara yelled from her branch and the aunburn cub was paralyzed by fright; the gaping mouth in front of him was then suddenly clamped shut by Feather who jumped from his side to help him "RUN !" The Red Cub told him and all three cubs moved away to climbed on the edge , counting their adventure.

"Whoah, man...did you two saw the size of those teeth? They were goin' " Kiara asked as she rolled over on her back and laughed. "He was just totally eatin' you up right there, and I jumped on his head... and you bumped him so good Feather" the Princess said the last part to the Red Cub beside who looked away in embarrassment "It was nothing really..." he muttered softy in response but he was happy that Kiara complimented him.

"We make suck a good team ! And you....You were very brave !" Kiara said to the other cub " You were very brave you ! I'm Kovu " But before the Princess could say something , a familiar voice echoed "KIARA ! FEATHER !" The Princess and the Red Cub looked at each other with a "Uh oh". Then appeared Nothing who sighed in relief when she saw they were alright "Thanks goddesses you are alright....and who are you ?" the disabled Lioness said as she looked at the auburn cub "I'm Kovu...." the strange cub responded before a roar echoed and a grayish-tan Lioness with a cream underbelly and paws appeared, growling. This Lioness also had red eyes, black eyebrows, dark brown upper eye patches, and eyelids and white under patches, a black, pointy triangular nose, one notched ear, and a dark stripe down the center of her head.

The newcomer growled at she glared at Nothing who growled back at her. Kovu , Kiara and Feather looked between the two with wide eyes "Who are you pitiful Lioness ?" the newcomer asked menacingly " I would ask you the same !" the disabled Lioness asked her back in the same tone. Why Nothing was this menacing ? Well, because one she didn't know this Lioness who didn't seemed really friendly and two she had to protect Kiara and Feather.

Before the newcomer could respond another roar , a really powerful one, echoed and Simba appeared. He wasn't happy at all. He stood at Nothing's side growling at the strange Lioness in front of him "Zira " "Simba " The Lioness , now known as Zira , grinned evilly as she eyed the Red Maned Male but then her eyes widened when Nala , Timon , Pumbaa arrived with some Lionesses.

"Nala..." "Zira" the Queen replied with disgust clear in her voice. "Timon, Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other.. GET OUTTA OUR PRIDE LANDS! " the Meerkat yelled as he looked at Zira from the top of Pumbaa's head. " Your Pride Lands?!" The Evil Lioness snarled, making Timon leaping backwards over Pumbaa's head in feae. "These lands belonged to Scar !"

"I banished you from the Pride Lands! Now you and your young cub... get out! "Simba snarled in anger while Nothing, Feather, Kiara and Kovu watched the exchange with wide eyes. It was the first time for Nothing and Feather to see the Red Maned Lion angry so they were surprised. Zira then smirked " Oh... haven't you met my son, Kovu? He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in his pawprints... and become King!" Simba growled at the auburn cub who shivered in fear clacking his teeth.

"A King ? That's not a king... that's a fuzzy maraca! " Timon said scoffing. " Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands, where we have little food, less water... " Zira explained in a soft tone but they were an undertone of anger. "You know the penalty for returning to the Pride Lands!" Simba stated with a glare "But the child does not! However... if you need your pound of flesh... here..." Zira said as she nudged Kovu toward Simba who looked down at the cub with a frown.

Nothing watched with wide eyes : Simba would kill this cub or not ? He didn't killed Feather so maybe he won't do it again this time. Her thoughts proved to be right as Simba said those words "Take him and get out !We're finished here..." Then the Red Maned Lion picked up his daughter by her the scruff of her neck. Zira walked over to Simba before looking down at a terrified Kiara. "Oh no, Simba... we have barely begun..." The Evil Lioness glareed wickedly at Kiara, before turning around and picking up Kovu in her jaws. Feather felt someone picking him by by the scruff and looked up to see that it was his cousin Nothing.

Kovu ,Kiara and Feather watched each other dangling as they moved apart "Bye..." The Princess and the Red Cub whispered softy so the auburn Cub could hear them

"Bye..." Kovu responded softy as well as his mother took him back into the Outlands.

Simba and his Pride were making their way back to Priderock and the cubs knew they were going to be in trouble when they would reach the Rock Structure...

(To be continued...)

A TURN OF EVENT (Lion King and My Pride Crossover ) UP FOR ADOPTIONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz