Chapter 23: Plan Of Attack

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(Shigaraki's POV) 

    That dog did wonders at getting the baby more comfortable at his new home. Thank god Twice, you saved the day. Toga and Twice took pictures of Izuku and the puppy sleeping, then put him in bed with the dog. Right now we are at the table debating whether or not we should attack UA. Dinner is over and we're now sipping margaritas. Courtesy of Kurogiri. And yes, we've learned our lessen. It's extremely diluted and Dabi and Spinner are drinking mango juice just in case. 

    Attacking UA is our specialty, and we had justified reasons to attack. To kill All Might and recruit Bakugo. That's out of the window now, since Bakugo is now on our kill list, and I'm gonna kill All Might in the future anyways. There's an argument going on. Half of the league says that we should attack while the other half disagrees. But there's one thing we all agree on: his mother stays out of it. Yeah she didn't notice it and stop the bullying which was unavoidable, but she was there for him and loved him. 

  But really I'm the one who makes the final decision, but I'm torn. And stressed. There are really good and reasons for both sides which is why I am torn. The ones who are pro-attacking say that Bakugo needed to have justice done to him. Which is reasonable because he severely bullied him most of his life. Hell he even made him suicidal. 

     The anti-attacking say that yes Bakugo bullied the baby and needs justice. But believed that we should deal with him privately. They said that we could kidnap Bakugo and kill him on live TV. They also said that Midoriya had a lot of friends who loved and cared for him. If we attacked UA, we would be hurting the ones who truly cared about him no matter what. But then the others said that if they truly cared for their friend, they would've spotted the signs of Bakugo's harassment and depression since he pulled away from them. And it goes round and round from there. I am the one to call the final shot. "Shigiraki, what are you going to pick? It's now never", said Toga. 

  I thought for a minute which was dead silent with people holding their breaths. "The best reason would to not to attack UA because the baby still needs to get comfortable around us. If we attack now, he'll never forgive us. So no, we are not attacking UA. Yet." There were cheers and groans from all over the bar. "Don't worry, we will still attack when the time is right. Right now, Izuku is not mentally stable enough to carry this attack out. 

  That would be a couple of months from now I estimate." There were sighs of relief as the pro-attackers were reassured that we would still attack. And we are going to attack. When the baby is a little better. Physically and mentally. Villains filed out of the bar one by one until it was only Crazy, Chicken Nugget, Twice, Compress, and Kurogiri. 

   "Nice job boss, you made the right decision." "Yeah I did. Don't let out anything about attacking UA to the baby alright guys? We don't want to have another severe mental breakdown tomorrow ok?" "Alright", said a unison of voices. "Alright, good night guys. Magne's already watching the baby so let's all crash." A mumble of "ok" was all that was said before the rest of the villains went upstairs to sleep. It was 11:00 pm and everyone was asleep. The earliest bedtime for the villains was usually 11:30. But because they got Izuku, keeping him in control drained down all their energy. 

                                  -Time skip to UA- (Didn't expect that didn't ya) 

(Uraraka's POV)

It's been three weeks since Izuku was kidnapped. The school's on full blown lockdown because of it. No one was allowed to leave the campus except with a teacher for a week. Everyone's worried about him except Bakugo. A week ago Midoriya called All Might saying that he was trying to escape and calling for help. But the call cut off and we weren't able to hear anymore, just the villains saying that he got away and that he was heading for the forest, but that's it. It cut off after that. 

   The police tried identifying the phone owner and tracked it down to a normal civilian. Poor guy was arrested in the middle of the night. When he was questioned, he said that it was him, but that he didn't have that phone because he had a different model. But when the heroes checked the phone owner again, it changed to a totally random guy who lived in America. 

  After that was done, the heroes tried finding the location of the phone. Key word: tried. It showed a location that was an hours drive away from UA and in a bad area. So when they got there, the building hadn't been used for twenty years and homeless people were living there. The trail went cold after that. 

The police and heroes searched the forest from top to bottom, but no sign of Deku~kun. I really miss him. I hope that he's ok. His mother was hysterical when she found out. She passed out when we first told her the news. She was at the police station every day to find out of there's any news on her son. She came home with nothing in her hands every day. She went back to work a week ago and is now taking double shifts to take her mind off things. I miss you Deku~kun. Please come home safe. 

                           -Time skip brought to you by Indy- 

(Deku's POV) 

I woke up to whimpering and loud sniffing. The puppy was awake. I looked over the crib to make sure that no one was in here. Oh god, Magne is here with me. He's typing something on a computer. I guess I made too much noise because he closed his computer and looked at me. "Baby, what are you doing up? Little ones like you shouldn't be awake at this hour."

    I was contemplating on whether or not I should tell him about Indy or not. But Magne saw right through me and picked up the dog. "Looks like you need to go potty don't you?" Then he turned to me and said,  "Big Sis Magne is going to be right back ok little one?" Oh so Magne's gay. I don't really care. I hate it when people are homophobic, like my father. I don't even know where he is. He just left a note saying that he couldn't deal with a burden like me. He packed all his clothes and took his car, and... that's it. We never heard from him again. 

   "Compress is going to watch you while I take this dog to the bathroom. Good night baby." She walked out the door and left. Seconds later Mr. Compress walked through the door. "Hi baby. Looks like you're awake." I rolled my eyes tiredly since I wanted to go back to sleep. "Let's check you're diaper now shall we? It's been a while and we don't want you to get an infection now do we?" I didn't have time to respond since he picked me up and walked over to the changing table. 

(1,236 Words)

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