Chapter Sixteen: Change of Clothes

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     (Deku's POV)

Once Mr. Compress said those words, dread began to fill my stomach. I wanted to cry but I couldn't show anymore vulnerable acts. So I just kept in the tears and looked around the room to distract myself. The room was plain but it had all this furniture. It had a beanbag, a bookshelf,  a premade bed, a dresser, some bins full of toys for my age, and games stacked neatly next to them. Some stuffed animals were on the bed. Maybe they were serious on making me their child. This is crazy. 

       "Ok baby, we're going to change you now ok?" "Let me go. What do you want with me. I won't tell anyone if you let me go. I promise." "No baby, your safe here, so you're staying put." "I'm not a baby you bastard so let me go. If you want a child so much, then go fucking adopt one like a normal person!" 

   I was ignored and Mr. Compress bent down and grabbed something from underneath the bench. I bent my head over as far as I could to see what he was getting. He got back up and put diaper powder, wipes, lotion, and a diaper. Then he pulled out a little jumper that said, "Sleepyhead".  Oh no I am not wearing that horrendous outfit. It's embarrassing. Ok, so you know when I said maybe they were serious? Well cross that out. They ARE serious! 

   I started thrashing around on the table when he put the onesie down. "What's wrong baby, do you not like your clothes?" "LET ME UP NOW!!! I'M NOT FUCKING WEARING THAT OUTFIT!!!" "Well sorry, but you have no say in the matter. And you need a nap.", said Kurogiri. "Alright so how are we gonna do this?" "you get the clothes and I'll get him undressed." "Alright Compress." 

     Mr. Compress lifted up my legs and started unbuttoning my gown. I tried fighting him but he's way too strong to fight off. Once my gown came off, he took of my socks and underwear, leaving me completely vulnerable. He clamped my legs together once more, as Kurogiri placed the underwear. on the table. A couple of tears rolled down my face. They set me back down and I started screaming. 


   My screams pierced through the entire building. I was surprised that I didn't break glass. The door opened and Dabi stuck his head through the door. "Is everything alright? I heard screaming and thrashing around in here. Do you need any help?" "Actually, we do. Do you mind getting his bottle ready? Mix in a few calming pills in there, he really needs it." "Ok." "Thanks Dabi you're the best." "Your welcome Compress." 

    "I'm not wearing any of that! Let me go you psychotic freaks! I'm not your baby! Go fucking adopt one!" "But we are adopting you baby. So just relax Izuku. We're not hurting you or killing you. We're just changing you." "That's not adopting, it's kidnapping you psychos!" "Your right, baby does need a nap.", said a smirking Dabi. 

   By now, I was full on sobbing. I was mortified. I was so exposed to villains. I tried getting up, but my wrists were tied tightly to the ends. Kurogiri got out some wipes and started wiping me down. They were cold. Then he got out some type of cream. "This cream is so you don't get a rash ok baby?" "No it's not ok! Let me go! NOW!" He ignored me and started spreading the cream all over my private parts. The he sprinkled a little powder on me and pulled the underwear up. I tried a new tactic to let me go; begging. "Let me up please. I'm sorry." They ignored me and continued to change me into the jumper. When they were done changing me, Dabi handed a warm bottle to the pair. 

   "By the way Dabi, we're exhausted so can you feed him and put him down for his nap?" "Of course Compress." "I'm not drinking that." "We'll see about that", said Dabi.  I was handed over to Dabi who started rocking me in the rocking chair. "There there. Don't cry baby. You're safe now ok. No one's here to hurt you. We love you." 

    "If you love me then let me go-aggh." He stuck the bottle in my mouth and continued rocking me. I growled at him. "We love you but we're not letting you go. People want to hurt you out there, so it's our job to keep you safe since no one else does. Drink the bottle baby. I know your thirsty. You body cannot process regular foods yet. This formula is specifically made for malnourished teens like you." He was right, I was thirsty, but I'm not drinking it. It's drugged. They said so themselves. So I spit out the nipple, only to have Dabi trying to shove it back into my mouth. "Drink it Izuku. Now." I shook my head no. "Drink it or I'm gonna punish you." Being stubborn, I glared at him and shook my head. 

    Now officially annoyed, he grabbed my cheeks and said, "If you don't drink the goddamn bottle, your little friends are going to have a little surprise visit. We said that we won't hurt you, but we never said that we wouldn't hurt others. You'll also get punished. So I suggest that you drink it."  Having no other choice I started drinking the bottle of milk. It was warm and tasted like vanilIa. I hated this place. I hated my life. Dabi continued to rock me in the chair. I started getting tired, really tired. It's the drugs that they put in here. 

   For some reason, it was kinda soothing. But I can't get cozy with my captors. I tried fighting off the drowsiness, but it was no use. I started to doze off from the rocking only to be awaken by Dabi putting a rag on his shoulder and patting my back. Oh no, I see what he's doing. He's trying to burp me. Soon enough, I felt the urge to burp. "Don't fight it kid, make it easier and burp for me." He started patting my back harder since it was obvious that I wasn't going to cooperate with him. Despite all my efforts, a burp came out of me. "Good boy." This is stupid, being treated like a little baby. He put the gag back in my mouth and picked me up. 

   Then he put me in the bed, tucking me in. and said "good night baby. I'll see you in about an hour." I scowled at him the best as I could with the gag on. He tied my wrists tightly. I wouldn't be going anywhere in here. He turned on some soothing noises and a night light. After that he left, locking the door. I was exhausted. Defeated and tired. The bed was soft and fluffy. Closing my eyes, I got comfortable. Might as well. I'll need all my strength to escape this place. Letting sleep take over me, I fell into a much needed dream. 

       (1,205 Words)

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