Chapter 29: The Past

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(Shigiraki's POV) 

     Watching the child cry in my arms broke my heart. Wow. Does anyone ever show this little green bean love and affection? My shirt was completely soaked in Izuku's tears in a matter of minutes. This wasn't a normal cry. No, this was a cry that he had been holding in for years. It makes me happy and furious. Everyone needs to have a good cry during hard times, especially children. But the amount and the intensity of that cry was insane. The only other time I had experienced that was when I was a little kid. When Sensei first found me. When he told me that I wasn't a monster and that I was a person; not a villain. 

    Yes he trained me to be a villain, but that was my own choice. But he was the first adult in my life to tell me such kind things in such a gentle and loving voice.  When he told me that he would protect me and told me not to worry, I broke down and sobbed uncontrollably in his arms. I cried at least four years of bottled up tears. So that type of crying is only done with someone you truly trust to take care of you. 

    That said person usually being a parent or adult that was a parental figure in your life. So that explains my mixed feelings. The happy part is that he chose me to break down and make himself vulnerable. Me, his older brother of all people. That made me so happy. But the infuriating part is that he developed such a close relationship way too fast than what was expected of him. 

   A normal person would've taken months to form an actual bond with their captor, but with this child, it took him a mere month in order to forge that bond. He is a hero in training and I am a villain. A villain so dangerous that I'm known internationally. He trusted me, the person who technically kidnapped him(though kidnapping is a word too extreme. Surprise adoption is the more appropriate word.) 

     This only makes me more furious at hero society. This kid was fourteen years old, a baby. A baby who is only viewed a child soldier that is called a hero. Instead of training adults that are willing to become heroes, they take teenagers and morph them into child soldiers. And then when their legally an adult, they send them off on the front lines in the most dangerous positions. That was what countries used to do in wars. Take kids and place on the front lines in the most dangerous positions. They didn't matter because they weren't worth anything. They had no education and didn't contribute to society. Because they are children. 

    People think that this practice was in the past. No it is not. It's still here. And it's not in the form of war happening overseas. The version of this evil practice is in the form of heroes, children who are taught that only those with powerful and 'non-villainous' quirks were viewed as a human; viewed as an equal. And not treated as animals. And while it is true that most of these kids want to get into this career, there are some kids who don't want to be a hero, who are forced by their parents. And if they aren't they force themselves for the honor and glory for their family name that will come if they make it as a pro hero. That's what many poor families with no food or roof over their head do in order to get money. It's a sick, evil practice. 

    And that's why I want to destroy hero society. Because they hurt little babies like Izuku, my little brother. I don't want to hurt the children. Really I don't. But if I have to choose between them and the future generations of kids, I would choose the second choice. And I have. I only go after the teachers. But I don't rip their limbs apart like I should do. Trust me, if I wanted Eraserhead's limbs to be torn off one by one, it would have happened. Believe me it would've happened. The only reasons I did it was because I didn't want to traumatize the children and the fact that he risked his life to save his class. He has no obligation to protect them really. 

   If I were fighting him in another setting, I would've taken the time to make him scream. But I want him alive because he is one of the few heroes who doesn't do it for the fame, glory, or money. He specifically chose to be an underground hero to stay out of the spotlight. Present Mike would've followed him too, seeing how close they are, but with his quirk, it's best that it's wielded in the daytime. 

    Well my shirt's still wet and I need to get into something dry so that I don't make the bed wet. With as much gentleness as I could, I slowly got off the bed and away from Izuku's grip. He fussed a little but when I reassured him that I wasn't leaving, he settled back in the blankets. I peeled off the soiled shirt and threw it into the hamper on the side of the room. It almost missed the hamper and landed on the edge. It'll be fine though. I put on a random shirt that's comfortable and slip back into bed with my little brother. 

A couple of hours later I am woken up by none other than Kurogiri. "Tomura. Breakfast is ready. I made sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, pancakes, and cinnamon buns." Jesus Christ. That was a lot of food. "Kurogiri, what the hell? Why so much food? Is it someone's birthday today. Or a holiday?"

    "Oh, because I was in the mood. We could all use a gourmet meal right now. And to officially welcome Izuku into our family. That is why I made all this food." Oh that's right. Today was the day that we could officially adopt him as our own child. Well you see, we villains and outlaws have our own government. With our own laws, towns, hospitals, schools for our children, houses, and more. We are basically a functioning society like everyone else, except that we are dangerous fugitives.

    And we have ties in the actual government. So a phone call could take away Inko Midoriya's legal custody of Izuku, and place that custody in the league's hands. There is no way in hell that he is becoming a villain. We will make sure that he won't need to be a villain. We will make this world a safe place where Izuku can walk without being treated as the equivalent of trash in the ocean. 

  So today we are taking him to a villain courthouse to officially make all ties legal. All for One will be there. They need to make sure that he is safe with us. Yes they scan for child abuse and experimentation. 

  Overhaul got away with it illegally. So the courts let it go when we chopped the bastard's arms off. Yeah, we got him. Once we found out what he was doing with Eri. We may be villains but we are sure as hell not monsters. 

     All we need is the judge's seal of approval and to take the oath's for parenting Izuku, and he's officially our kid. So we need to take Izuku and dress him up in something nice. All of us need to be looking nice. He'll be in the courtroom with us. Don't worry, there will be extra security to ensure that he doesn't run off. We aren't the only villains to take a hero in training and raise them as our own, so the courts are quite accustomed to it. In fact they are called chicks. Some of the best villains were chicks. 

(1,326 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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