Chapter Fourteen: The Doctor's Visit Part Two

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             (Deku's POV) 

  Strong hands pulled me up and dragged me away from the door. It was Kurogiri. I started struggling against his grip but it was useless; he was too strong. But then again, most people are stronger than me. But I never knew he was this strong. "Let go of me!" He didn't answer. I began kicking him. He didn't budge. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Now I began struggling with all my strength and might. "Dabi come help me." Dabi came along and picked up my legs and started to help Kurogiri drag me to the table. "All right kid that's enough. We're not murdering you. Stop screaming like we are." 

  I was only half listening to his words because I spotted a mallet. I don't know why they have a mallet with their medical supplies, but I was grateful for it. Reaching over, I picked it up and smashed it onto Kurogiri's hand.  He let go with a yelp and the top half of my body fell on the ground. I headbutted Dabi who was trying to hold me down and I sped away from him as fast as I can. The other villains were coming closer to me in offensive stances. "Izuku put the hammer down now." "No!" "Let me go NOW!!" "Compress, get the kid in a marble and bring him back over here." 

     Compress started walking towards me with his hand stretched out. I had the disadvantage of being in the corner of the room which didn't help my situation at all. I ducked under him and his legs and started running to the door, but walls of blue flame of  stopped me from going any further and I stumbled back. A hand grabbed me on the shoulder and I felt weird; I felt smaller and I could only see blue around me. I tried to move but I couldn't. Then I started to move, but it wasn't me moving. To be honest it was actually kind of fun but then I remembered what his quirk was and where I was heading. 

    Suddenly it broke and I became bigger again. I was on a operating table. "Strap him down." I began to panic again. Strong arms held me down while I was restrained with metal cuffs. They were cold and tight around my arm. Overhaul came and begin taking my vitals. Then he uncuffed me and begin looking at my body. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes but I kept them in. They were already seeing me naked and vulnerable enough and it was embarrassing. Picking me up he brought me to a scale where he weighed me. I only lost a pound. He cuffed me again on the table. 

    "He is severely underweight and I advise that you start feeding him fattening foods. Whenever he wakes up feed him food. And make sure he drinks Pediasure*." "Alright Doc but what about the scars he has?", asked Shigiraki. "Make sure to clean the bandages at least twice a day to avoid infection." 

    He pulled out some syringes and uncapped them. Then he got out some supplies to take my blood. He rubbed an alcohol pad on my arm and stuck the syringe in my arm, draining the contents. He did the same with the other two and took three vials of my blood. Then he bandaged me up and got me dressed. He took out a feeding tube and some drip food. 

  "If you don't start eating they are going to put this tube in your stomach and that's how you'll eat. So I suggest you start eating." "Yep we are going to keep right here next to your bed so you remember.", said Shigiraki. 

                 -Time skip brought to you by Present Mic's yelling- 

   (Deku's POV) 

After Overhaul left, they got me dressed in new hospital clothes and put me back in my bed. Then Mr. Compress came down with some nachos. The smell was powerful and made my mouth water. But I can't eat because I'm obese. "Alright kid, open up." I shook my head no. "Don't make this difficult." "I'm not making anything difficu-" He shoved some chips in my mouth. It was delicious. He clamped my nose and mouth down until I swallowed it. This continued until the entire plate was gone. He reached in his pocket and brought out a gag? 

   "Here baby we are now enforcing the rules now. You are now officially our child." He stuck the gag in my mouth and tied it to the back of my head with some rope. "It's nap time. Tomorrow you will be moved to your new room." With that he ruffled my hair and tucked me in bed. He turned off the lights, turned on the noises, and left with the plate, locking the door behind him. I was tired; dead tired. 

(800 Words)

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