Chapter Six: Inject and Infuse

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                   (Deku's POV) 

          I was running, almost at the Gates of UA. Then I heard some flames crackling and felt an increasing heat on my back. I turned around to see a big, blue fireball hurling towards me. I tried to dodge it, but I dodged the fire too late; it burned my right leg and my chest on the right side. With a yelp of pain, I collapsed on the ground, clutching my leg and chest. Guess they weren't bluffing, but still I have to try to escape. But before I could even move, Twice was on me, flipping me over harshly, and pinning me face down in the dirt. He pinned my arms behind my back and put a knee on my back. He put just enough pressure where I wasn't dying, but I couldn't move without feeling a huge shock of pain. 

    "Hurry get the restraints!", someone yelled. I saw Dabi pull out a small tube that had a cap on it. I couldn't tell what it was, until Dabi flicked off the cap to reveal a syringe. Oh God! I hate syringes and needles, and just basically anything that involves putting needles into my skin. That means that they were going to drug me. They would knock me unconscious and then take me to their hideout and torture me for information. Maybe use me for experiments or as a target for their training. Cause me pain for fun. Toga can take my blood and break into U.A and kill some more people. Or kidnap them like me. Twice can use my body to make copies of me, so that when the heroes come to rescue me, they will be confused as to who the real me is, and who is simple an impostor; a robot. And then, when I have no more use to them, they will kill me in the most slow and painful way possible. And film my death to send home to my mom, friends, teachers, and All Might. And tear my corpse apart to be made into a Nomu. I will be brought back to life again and used as a decoy. 

     "HELPP!! SOMEBODY HEELP PLEASE! AHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed so loud out of pure panic, that I alerted two pro heroes and a bunch of people were walking out of buildings to see what all the ruckus was. Yes! I could go home!! "Warp us back us back now Kurogiri!" No-no no no no no no NO! I saw Dabi put the cap back on the syringe. I look away and I see heroes running towards me. They were already in fighting positions, and ready to rescue me. But it was too late. They were too slow. The last thing I saw of the outside world was those two heroes before a purple mist engulfed us and transported us to a run-down, dimly-lit bar. 

         I was still screaming and struggling even though I was in their base. My screaming attracted almost all the villains out of their rooms. I guess I must of been like Bloody Mary.  (Deku has his notebooks and has memorized almost all of them. Just letting ya know)I felt more pairs of hands on me, and got an idea as I spotted Dabi once again, pluck the cap off the syringe, leaving it glinting in the light. 

     Just as Dabi was going to inject it in me, I used one for all one last time and twisted out of Spinner's grip, grabbed the syringe from Dabi, and stabbed Spinner in the neck with needle, making him pass out almost immediately. Jumping up on my feet, I ran towards the door as fast as I can. Suddenly, I felt four pairs of hands pull me back and push me back down. I looked up just in time to see Mr. Compress sitting on me, completely weighing me down. Kurogiri had already prepared another syringe. 

   There was no point in struggling; I was exhausted. And even if I wasn't, Mr. Compress is a fully grown man who is a healthy weight, where I am considered underweight and short for my size. He is far too heavy for me to buck him off. But still, I struggled, I wasn't going to give up now. 

      "We told you that you should've complied", said Kurogiri, "But you gave us no choice but to force you." It was embarrassing. Because by now, every villain here was watching me. I was so tired that if I was under different circumstances, I would drifted right off to sleep. My face turned red like a tomato from the embarrassment. I have a lot of social anxiety and even though I was tired, I still cared. 

     "I apologize for using such harsh techniques on you," said Mr. Compress, "but if you had listened, this wouldn't be happing right now. You would be in a nice warm bed, with a change of clothes, and some food in your stomach. Your actions have consequences." "Yeah kid, we never wanted to hurt you. You brought this on yourself", said Dabi. "Alright, enough of the talking, the poor kid looks tired enough already. Inject him already, Kurogiri." "Alright Shigaraki. Be patient." "Stay still for me won't you. You'll feel a tight pinch in your arm, and then the pain will stop faster if you don't tense up", said Kurogiri. "Toga, roll up his sleeve for me please." "Alright, one pushed up sleeve coming right up." She giggled.

   Toga rolled up my sleeve and Kurogiri started injecting me with the needle. My face scrunched up from the pain, but it wasn't that bad. He was right; it didn't hurt that much if you relaxed. My vision started getting blurry. My hearing started getting distorted and faint. "Don't worry kid, we'll take good care of you alright sweetie? That's a good boy. Now go to sleep." That was the last thing I heard before I was fully consumed by the darkness and went into a dark, peaceful slumber. 

   (1,004 Words)

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