New dark

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Dream coughed up on the shore. Rolling on his hands and knees he tried to shake the water off his body. The sand felt raspy beneath his hands. He turned to rubbing it off his body not long after.

When the wetness on his body had turned more of a damp then anything he rolled back on his back. Staring at the sky, he sighed.

The sun was fading and the purple was of the dark sky was rising. The dark often came with monsters, and not ones he was thrilled to fight at the moment.

Fingers touched the outer rim of his face, or what he called his black hole. He winced in uncomfortableness.

The sun was entirely gone when he stood up. And he walked more inland, back into the forest.

Dream didn't have many options, weaponless was bad. The shore nor the forest would change it.

Once he was what he deemed far away he climbed a vine. Deciding to nap on the tree branches and leaves. Like old times.

He closed his eyes, without the eye part. He always guessed he just shut down his vision.

The clinks of a skeleton resonated around the area. As well as the occasional moaning of the zombie. The creepers were silent as always.

Dream had fallen asleep not soon after, the wind rustling the leaves all around him became his lullaby.

Unlike Dream, the others that were chasing him earlier that day were not able to fall asleep. Each in their beds and houses, the memories replaying.


Dream waking up to a man staring straight at him almost sent him to his own grave.

Falling to the ground on instinct Dream continued it with a roll. Rushing into the more dense of the forest, he zigzagged his way through.

A fading call of the person was left behind. A quick "TECHNO" didn't register in Dream quick enough either.

An outstretched hand had grabbed hold of Dream's forest green hoodie. Mainly for help hiding him in the forest hence the green.

The hand pushing him down to the ground, a knee resting beside his head.

"The hell are you." The person said, that was now on top of him

Dream grabbed a hold of the person's hand and shoulder and he rolled both of them over. Dream now on top had a better view of the man who woke him up come running over.

His confusion rose when he saw that it was Phil, and the person under him rolling him back down gave no assistant.

"What." The word was soft from Dream, trying to wrap his head around seeing Phil. Deciding to also look at the person now on top of him again.


The said Techno only gives Dream a hard look, defensive.

"Who are you." His voice went deep, deeper than usual. This, Dream didn't know.

When Dream and Techno fought he always had a light and joking tone. If not then it was painfully sarcastic.

Dream gulped, he was fucked.

"Techno, easy." Phil said with a hint a hesitation.

The male gave no indication that he was willing to take it easy. Looking up at Phil, squinting his eyes. At the moment Techno didn't have his own signature pig mask.

Dream tried to loosen the man's arm on his neck. Only to have it press harder. For what Dream lacked in strength he made it up for flexibility. Unfortunately Techno had more than enough strength.

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