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Part 2

Dream stood to his own two feet while Nightmare lazed on the grass, not bothering to put any effort into anything. Why should he, he was the one in power. Gazing over the edge, Dream peered patiently, wanting to know exactly what his brother was talking about.

A crowd was coming up. Dream could faintly recognize people even after all this time that had changed things. Tommy and surprisingly Quackity lead the mob. Remincensing the deja vu of it all, Dream shook his head to clear of it.

"Dream!" Tommy shouted out. And still Dream knew, understood that he was meant to stay quiet, best even. Like the times before they would not listen to the villains words, for what worth did they have.

Inspecting the group and what was most prominent to Dream. Quackity's scar had healed over horrible and left his face snarlish at all times. Sam, the warden he supposed was head to toe covered, no skin was left to be seen. He was also missing the necklace gifted to him by Ponk, Dream snorted at the no surprise.

Although Dream still felt a slight resentment towards all of them for what they had done to him he was saddened at the negative changes he saw in Nikki and Puffy. Nikki's face was scarred to the brim and puffy walked with a visible limp. Dream didn't think they would not hold their own, but still.

The others crowding the group had distasteful looks on their faces. He had not seen nor heard much or any from anyone. Dream wondered if they have heard from him, perhaps Tommy explained bits of his face situation.

But did they know why they were truly here. Best he could guess was revenge for Phil, a mentor to many and father to few. Looking into the eyes of as many as he could, he stopped at Wilbur to study. Dream was curiousized by the once ghost. A sliver strand of hair lined his face and looked more manic than ever. That was one Dream would have a hard time trusting to be in the same room with and being weaponless. "You Fucker! You killed Phil, didn't you!"

Some of the group finally saw that his brother was next to him, feeling the Punz was the only one who got the Nightmare was a foe who would be dangerous. Tommy started to wave his sword in challenge to Dream, Quackity swung his own axe in amusement.

Nightmare deciding this was his time to join. "Well dear Brother of mine," Nightmare emphasized 'brother' making sure they would hear clearly. "Should I handle this or should we duo queue, y'know like old times."

Slowing his swing of his axe, Quackity was taken off guard. "So the fucker has a brother, bet they're the same green bitches."

Leaning in to whisper to Dream alone, Nightmare had a tinge of awe to the younger blonde. "Man has got some balls, FOR A BIMBO!" Tommy's face went red in anger and Quackity and the others held back their own snorts at the reaction.

"Stop it, Nightmare." Dream said so only the two of them would hear. Nightmare stared at him quizzically, wonder then started to build in him, wanting to see what his brother would do dealing with the humans.

Dream was a crossroad of sorts, all this time. He made a perfect character he could play for all to see, to either hate or love, even indifference. If he stood his ground now, all for nothing at all.

His hands clamped shut together, this happened once before. Dream made the choice then to start over, to reset the board.

Now he wanted to see what they would do when he removed the king. What would the opponent do.

Dream's fist relaxed, he had an idea now. Nightmare watched idly, patiently waiting for the cue on what to do.

Swinging his axe once, burying it into the hard ground. Leaning on it, almost cheekily . "I might've, but I'm sure that old man would respawn. Unlike me he still has a couple life's left. All because someone didn't finish the job." Pointing specific fingers at the two in the front.

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