epilogue pt.2

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"Hunter." Sleep Paralysis called out. The decaying Hunter didn't move, not a twitch. Paralysis wondered if it even understood anything. Turning his questions to Nightmare, asking if they had been keeping a mindless vegetable in the dungeons of the Nether.

Nightmare shook his head. "The Hunter hasn't lost her entire mind. She's still here in some ways."

Looking back down at the shackled being, Paralysis felt nothing towards it. "So you're just ignoring me, is that it?" The Hunter still did not move. "Then I am to assume you don't care about DayDream?"

At this, Paralysis saw the flicker of her fist. Feeling assured in himself, Paralysis knew he had won. "You're tethered to DayDream, I need you to tell us where he is."

The Hunter peered up at the looming figure which was Sleep Paralysis. The entity was a daunting figure. "If you can't find DayDream, then he doesn't want to be found." Her voice was cracked, her bones rattled with every movement. She looked like she would collapse into a pile of dust and bone at any moment.

"Don't make this harder on us, Hunter." The silence deafened them. The Hunter resumed to not moving. "We've been kind to you haven't we, allowed both you and DayDream to have your adventures. All we ask is to know where he is, we worry about him."

And the Hunter said nothing. Paralysis lost all of his patience. The pressure he put on the arm rest created a crack, a crack that traveled all the way to the side of the Hunter. Puss and horrid smoke puffed from the crack, still she didn't even flinch.

"Go. Gather more information from other players. I'll handle her." Sleep Paralysis sterned out his words.

Nightmare didn't falter in standing up to do so. Lucid didn't.

Paralysis knew Lucid's words before he did. "I created the Wither, I know these creatures inside and out."

Lucid pushed down his pity and guilt. Straightening himself out, Lucid didn't turn back as he walked out from the Colosseum, pretending he didn't hear the anguish that resonated around the walls.

Materializing himself in the overworld, Nightmare had teleported the others with him. Lucid had completely spaced it. Something about the Hunter put him off his axis. Techno swayed as he tried to reel himself back. Lucid was surprised the man hadn't shattered yet.

Searching around, the air in this server was abundant with DayDream's presence. Lucid turned to look at Nightmare for answers. Nightmare didn't have to meet his eyes, he could feel what Lucid was thinking. Something that hasn't happened in a very long time.

"This is DayDream's server. He laced it with his own pure code, it's essentially an extension of himself. That's why the Nether egg was able to thrive here." Nightmare explained, he hadn't meant to teleport them this far away from the main hub of the world. Looking down at his companion, Nightmare pulled her closer. "Make sure there aren't any players in the Nether."

"XD round up the players in the overworld." Lucid finished. As the two companions went to do as told, the brothers stared at each other. They were finishing each other's thoughts, this wasn't good. They both knew where this sudden closeness came from.

Nodding at each other, they did it again without meaning to. Appearing in the center of the server, they stood rather regally on top of a house in the middle of the lake. They loomed over most things in the world, their height setting them apart.

Techno was getting nauseous from all this teleporting, his mind was still fuzzy and he was being dragged around by two very powerful entities. He hasn't felt this tired in a while. Falling to his knees behind the brothers, they didn't notice or they didn't care. Techno just needed to feel a sturdy surface under him. He eyed the water surrounding the community house, the solid ground not far.

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