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Nightmare had felt fear when it happened. DayDream had popped on him, last time it happened aether was ruined, and now the overworld would be too.

Body tensed, nightmare was pulling up the code while DayDream in his omnipresent state of mind talked to the human players. He was ready to jump ship any moment. This was a lost cause anyways.

His sword was still in his hands, he still couldn't move. Why of why did DayDream, the most unstable brother have to be the most powerful.

And really, what did Nightmare do to deserve this. Sure he's had his chaotic fun, but really he's done nothing that could live up to what his brothers have done. Truly, DayDream is about to destroy another realm and most of the player population.

Nightmare swore he was only labeled the troublesome brother because he was the youngest, DayDream by far was the most destructive.

Hesitating, Nightmare looked over to DayDream. His mask was flurry of emotions, flickering between so fast Nightmare couldn't tell what was what.

DayDream was in his true form, black tendrils and goo dripping off of him. In this form, DayDream was the only one who looked like a human out of the three brothers. Nightmare thought it represented him well.

Debating with himself, Nightmare wasn't sure if he wanted to stay and gamble with DayDream's mental health. The dude was way off his rocker.

Nightmare could see how paralysis would flinch at sudden movements from an oblivious DayDream. Lucid feared him into admiration, and Nightmare hated him.

DayDream, his older brother was trying so desperately to be what he wasn't. Be someone who isn't all powerful to the point where no one loves him. That he wasn't one of the brothers but a player.

Nightmare held nothing but resentment, the audacity his brother had.

Nightmare decided to stay and wait. Curiosity did kill the cat.

Tense beats of time passed. Time was still slowed and a blaring white still consumed everything around them. Nightmare was sure he would go blind. He still wasn't sure how his brother could manage to do something like this.

Stopping time was impressive, but the white bubble around them. It looked far too much like their birthplace to be anything else.

DayDream grimaced, the white engulfing them warped and expanded. Nightmare supposed this was it, the overworld was going bye-bye.

And DayDream disappeared. And the overworld was still standing. The humans around him stumbled when time resumed, Nightmare stayed planted where he was. Color filled back into the space, the blue sky and green grass loading in front of their eyes.

The angel that was coming towards him fell to the ground at his feet, telling from everyone yellings confusion started up.

The pig looking one was the first to look him straight in the eyes. Nightmare didn't feel his usual witty remark inside him. Something was wrong. Both him and the pig knew it. 

Nightmare stayed dearly silent. Confusion had him mulling over what had just happened. This, did not go as he thought it would. It was hard to surprise an external being, but somehow his brother always manages to do so.

Sighing brought back all the attention to him. Most of them were wanting answers then cowering in fear. Nightmare didn't have time for this, he pulled the code and went back to the white castle. Time for a family meeting.

They would need to find DayDream, even though he didn't destroy the overworld, it didn't mean he wasn't a loose cannon. Nightmare was half expecting to find half the servers corrupted. But no.

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