(First meeting)

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Second person POV

You woke up early in the morning you stand up stretching and get ready for the day, while you finally finished got dress you start styling your hair you suddenly lost in thoughts a lot of unexpected events had happened. Yesterday your just an apprentice of Asra the Magician and now you're at the Palace the countess was at your shop the night Asra just left on his journey, and your always left alone at the shop, you offered the Countess a reading after that she ask for you to come to the the Palace and here you are the Countess ask for you to solve the late Ex-counts case, she offered you to stay here at the Palace for a couple of days, you accept her offer and that leads you here staying on one of the countesses guess wing... Not just that but also a wanted doctor just suddenly sneak in your shop, and worst asra left when you need him the most you miss your Master already 'what an eventful days it is' you sigh as you recall what just happened finishing your hair... Portia came in "Good morning Y/N, milady ask me to help you prepare, but it seems to me like your already are finished" she said while smiling "Good morning Portia" you said while returning the smile ... Portia leads you to the hallways towards the Dinning room where the countess are. You made a small talk with Portia all the way before you reached the dinning room ... Portia open the ornate door embedded with gold and beautiful stones she gesture for you to come in you thank her, as you enter you saw the Countess at the end of the long table she immediately smile at your presence

"Good morning Countess"

you said while smiling,

"Good morning Y/N, I hope you have sleep well"

she smile before she wave her hands at the right signaling for you to take the sit their... You nod before taking the sit ...

"So Y/N, I arrange a meeting for you and my Palace Courtiers, I want you to meet them later this late afternoon"

she start still smiling. Portia already told you their names and describe them to you the only one that the Countess favors the most was Consul Valerius she also said that you should be more careful around all of them.

"I would be happy to meet them Countess"

you said

"Nadia you can call me that from now on"

you nod and you don't know why but anxiety was starting to build up inside you. Your actually an introverted type of person you're quite shy but fierce at the same time just hiding it and sure your not prepare for this one. After breakfast you start your way down the long hallways of the Palace towards the library to look for more evidence. Your so focus about the meeting that you didn't pay much attention to were you heading and accidentally bump into someone you almost fall when suddenly hands grabs you firmly in place to keep you from falling . You open your eyes to see that your in someone's chest you look up to see crimson eyes staring at your E/C orbs one piercing your soul. You blush at the sudden contact and immediately broke from there grasped ...

"I-i apologise for that am not looking were I was heading"

you said while looking down feeling embarrassed ...

"No need to worry dear, I didn't pay much ahead on were I was heading as well"

they said UWU smirk you look up at them only just noticing that they have green skin a bandage like horns and they were wearing a doctor's outfit with a glove hands

"May I know you're name dear"

they said

"Oh- umm my name's Y/N"

Valdemar x Reader [one shots] FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now