Driving Me Crazy

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Joey's pov:
I'm sick of these nosy bitches, I really just wish I could yell at them "yes, Elliott and I were together, stop meddling" but I want to be discreet about us.
Finally the producers called us to go to the workroom, we entered, Denali cleaned kahmora's message that was on the mirror, then we went to sit on the couches.
But oh what a surprise, Olivia asked Kandy who she thinks should have been at the bottom, They always wanting to do drama, how Kandy always messed with Elliott. Argh! I'm so annoyed.
Elliott's response surprised me and the other girls too, hahahhaha, elliott left Kandy speechless, anyways, we finally went to take off the drag.
I saw Elliott at his station and went there

Joey: How you feel about Kandy coming for you again
Elliott: I don't care about that bitch anymore, her job is not to judge me, she's just nosy
Joey: You couldn't have said it better, I'm proud of you

And then he smiled at me, every time I see him smile I feel a big desire to hug him, he has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

finally all the Queens take off their drag when the producer arrives to announce that it is time to go to the hotel.

the girls get in the van and drive them to the hotel.

*Conversation between all the girls in the van*

Mik: ya'll think today production will let us have a party too?
Rosé: Probably yes, I mean, we've been doing it all these days
Tina: If tonight there is a party again I'm not drinking
Denali: you said that last night too hahahahaha

Elliott's pov:
I was sitting in the back of the van, staring out the window and listening to these bitches laugh. I was completely distracted by the scenery of L.A. at night, it's beautiful, it reminds me of that moment with Joey on the roof of the hotel, all the lights... I just kept remembering that moment when I felt someone sit next to me

Joey: Elliott...
Elliott: oh shit, you scared me!
Joey: Really? Hahahaha oh my god
Elliott: What's up? I thought you were there in the front seats
Joey: I want to be close to you at every moment
Elliott: i... Oh god you're so sweet
Joey: *starts talking lower* I wish today I could be with you all night too...
Elliott: It could be... don't rule that possibility hahahaha
Joey: Hope it comes true... *Winks*Also. Do you think they'll let us all have dinner together today?
Elliott: I think so, why wouldn't they. Also I'm so sad to see Kahmora go
Joey: yeah, but we all can't stay here forever
Elliott: I can't imagine what will happen when one of us two is eliminated. Today I almost died when you were at the bottom, I don't want you to be taken away from me
Joey: Don't worry about it, we just have to promise that we'll meet up after the show.
Elliott: Don't doubt that I will look for you, I told you that I would not miss this opportunity. You're simply magical
Joey: *talking even lower* Elliott, you don't know how much I wish I could kiss you right now, boy... You're turning me on
Elliott: *blushes*
Joey: Right now I wouldn't care what these bitches think, just to kiss you
Elliott: Save that thought for later honey

Elliott and Joey stare at each other with a shy smile

Tina: Hey guys, what are you two doing back there! hahahahaha
Elliott: Oh now we can't talk? That's interesting... If y'all can talk why we can't?
Joey: that's true, mind your business tina.

Joey turns around and whispers something in Elliott's ear

Joey: I already want to get to the hotel, I hope we can be alone today...

Rosé: Joey, why don't you say it louder so we can all hear hahahaha
Joey: Really? Oh god...

Joey's thought:
right now i would have loved to turn around and kiss elliott to leave these bitches speechless but i dont want them to keep talking about it the best i can do is keep quiet.

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