Getting To Know You

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Elliott's pov:
I was very nervous, I had to go back to see those bitches who eliminated me, they threw me off the boat, nobody was kind to me, not even in this group where I am now.
Oh here they come.
I didn't get a chance to meet any of the other girls, I only know kahmora.
It's my time, they think I'm not here, I'm going out ...

(Y'all now this scene)

After a while, the tension between them all passes and they finally have the opportunity to talk to each other without being shady

Joey's pov:
I saw elliott in a corner, I am so sorry that these girls have decided to eliminate her, she looks very lonely, I'm going to come over to say hello

Joey: Hi Elliott! How's it going?
Elliott: Oh hi hmmm ... what was your name like? Hahaha sorry, you know I didn't have a chance to be with you
Joey: oh, it's ok hahahah i'm Joey, and, Sorry for voting for you
Elliott: Oh don't worry girl, if it wasn't me, it was another hahaha
Joey: I'm glad you take it with humor bitch! Hahahaha

Elliott and Joey continue talking for a while longer, about different things, but what is clear is that they both seem to get along very well

Elliott: I think it's time to get out of drag, girl, I want to take off this wig
Joey: How lucky that I do not use them hahahahah. But yeah let's get out of drag, bitch, this corset is killing me.

When Joey took off his clothes and began to remove his makeup all the attention was on him

Kandy she saw it and from where she was she screamed

Kandy: Fuck! Joey, you're a sweet yummy out of drag

Joey just laughed

Elliott was in his corner, when he heard Kandy then he turned to see Joey, he hadn't seen him because he was busy tidying up his things

Elliott thinks:
Oh my god, kandy is right, Joey is so cute out of drag, damn!
I should take my makeup off now, then I'll finish unpacking

Elliott goes in the mirror with joey

Elliott: Is this place available next to you? Hahaha
Joey: Sure girl! Come! Why haven't you removed your makeup?
Elliott: I was busy finishing getting some things out of my suitcases. But now I'm going to do it, I'm dying to get this off my face hahahaha

Elliott begins to remove her makeup

Elliott: Hey, and did you see what Kandy said about you? Girl you're in danger hahahaha
Joey: Oh my god yes, only here between us, Kandy is not my type
Elliott: I can see it *Laughs*

Joey thinks:
I was looking into his eyes while he was laughing, he had already removed his makeup, he looked so different out of drag, kinda... Cute? I don't know, he only looked... Fine...
I got lost in his eyes.

Elliott: Joey, are you okay? Do I have something on my face? Oh, i Guess i'm pearl now hahahahahaha
Joey: Oh my god bitch, I'm dying hahahaha, no... I was just looking hmmm... you got a little eyeliner left in your eye
Elliott: Oh right, thanks for warning

The producers arrive and tell everyone that they will record the second part of the episode in a few days. It's time for everyone to go back to the hotel
The girls get into a van that takes them to the hotel, when the producers arrive they tell them that they can talk to each other for a while, while they wait for dinner, since it was night.
finally dinner comes, all the girls have separate tables, elliott is at a table with Lala, Utica and Kahmora.
Joey is at a table with kandy, gottmik, Olivia and rosé
On the other table are tamisha, kahmora and tina. Alcoholic beverages were allowed, so some of the girls were drinking ... You could say some were a bit far.
At Joey's table, Rosé and Kandy were drunk, Kandy was very scandalous, He sat next to Joey and started flirting with him, he was touching Joey and Joey was feeling a little uncomfortable

Joey: Kandy, I don't want to offend you or anything, but can you walk away from me? Don't touch me please

Rosé and gottmik were laughing

Kandy: No matter what I have to do, I'm going to fuck you darling

Yeah, kandy was really drunk.

Elliott thinks:

Wow, Joey is having a really bad time, I wish I could help him, hmmm, what can I do

Elliott gets up and leaves the room, then comes back and goes to joey's table, Elliott had a glass in her hand, full of water, Elliott pretends to stumble and the water falls on the table, Kandy starts yelling at him

Kandy: Bitch, are you blind or what?
Elliott: I'm sorry girls, I was distracted
Kandy: Next time watch where you walk!
Elliott: Sorry I'll go find someone cleaning
Joey: I go with you!

Elliott and Joey walk away and leave the room while Kandy is still yelling things at Elliott

Joey: Too bad you tripped over the table!
Elliott: Actually... i did it on purpose
Joey: What? For what? Did you want to piss off Kandy?
Elliott: No, I wanted to get you out of there, I could see how you felt uncomfortable
Joey: oh...Thank you very much elliott, that was very nice of you, you saved my life bitch hahahaha
Elliott: Well let's find someone to clean up! Then we come back and you can sit with me ... if you want
Joey: Sure! Sounds better than being next to Kandy hahaha

They go and get some mops to clean, when they are approaching where the other girls are they hear screams and laughter, they enter the room and see what is happening

Joey: what the fuck!
Elliott: But what!? What are they doing playing spin the bottle?
Joey: girl, this is crazy, Look, there is Kandy laughing like crazy, I think they no longer care about the wet table
Elliott: yeah, What do you want to do, we go in?
Joey: I don't know if I want to see that hahahahaha
Elliott:Well, I know a way to the roof of the hotel, do you want to go for a while?
Joey: sure, why not...

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