Dripping On Me

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They both kept looking at each other

Joey: What has happened?...
Elliott: I don't know, but it was magical...

They both smile and Elliott rests his head on Joey's chest again.

Joey pats elliott's back, as they both look at the city of L.A.

Joey: Do you know we have to go back down? I don't want to leave here but we must, before they see us
Elliott: You're right, but ... Can't we go to another place? One that is more hidden?
Joey: Where? That is the problem... where?
Elliott: Yeah you're right, god damn

Joey takes elliott's hand and they go off the ceiling, back down, where the other girls are.

They come to the hall and are about to enter, then elliott stops and lets go of joey's hand...

Joey: What happens?
Elliott: You forget that we cannot enter holding hands *laughs*

This time Elliott goes in first, Joey stays in the bathroom

Nobody noticed that Elliott entered, all the other girls were leaning on the balcony of that room, they were looking down

Elliott: Girls what are you doing !? Stick your head inside, yall don't see that it is dangerous!?

Kandy yells at him

Kandy: That is not your business
Elliott: Well, if you say so, stay there, the ones the producers are going to scold are you

Elliott leaves the room and goes to his.

Elliott's pov:

I still don't think so, Joey and I ... We kissed, that was amazing, wow, how I wish I could have brought him to my room...
Joey sparked a passion inside of me

Joey's pov:
I was in the bathroom making time to go in after elliott and the others did not suspect. While i was there all kinds of thoughts go through my head, all the things I want to do with him...

Joey comes out of the bathroom and goes to the bedroom, walks in and sees the girls laughing

Joey: Hello girls, what are you doing?

At the same time Joey sneaks around the room, looking for Elliott.

Tina: Come Joey! Sit here!
Gottmik: Where were you?
Joey: I was hmm, in the bathroom
Rosé: Why did you take so long?
Joey: It's that ... Hmmmm when I was in the bathroom I remembered that maybe I had left the TV in my room on, and i went to check...
Tina: Oh alright
Joey: anyways... Has anyone seen Elliott? I thought I left him here before I left
Tina: I haven't seen him in all the night
Lala: don't you remember that he was here a while ago?
Joey: hmmm Interesting. Anyways, I think I'm leaving too, it's too late
Kandy: Why don't you stay here? ... with me

All the other girls laugh

Joey: Because I don't want to

Joey gets up and leaves, the girls laugh even louder

Gottmik: That had to hurt hahahahha
Kandy: shut up hoe

Joey's pov:
I left the room, I was just thinking, where did he go? most likely he went to his room, I can't go there, but I want to go, I can't stay like this, that kiss turned me on.
The only thing I know about the location of His room is that it is on the 7th floor. Do I risk looking for him or do I stay here? I definitely needed more than a kiss... But, it's too dangerous.

Elliott's pov:
Right now I would give anything to have him by my side, I want to be with him, what a fool I was to accept that we came down from the roof, god, i'm so turned on. Oh I'm sweating too much, I'll go take a shower

Elliott takes off his clothes and goes into the shower, a jet of warm water falls on his body. At that moment he remembers the dream he had with Joey last night... Elliott's imagination was starting to get out of control when he started imagining things with Joey in the shower.

-I had my eyes closed and I felt how he took me by the waist, bringing my body closer to his... Then he grabbed me and turned me around, hit me off the shower wall and started kissing me passionately, our wet bodies were rubbing, and I was getting hotter and hotter. He began to brush the tip of his...

At that moment I came back to consciousness, hell Elliott, what are you thinking? You're going out of line.
Joey isn't even here, although I wish he was ...

I changed the temperature of the water to cold, to lower the heat that had gotten into my body, I was alone in my bathroom... With an erection

I took a towel and put it on, then I looked in the mirror at the sink...

What's wrong with you? - I said to myself- you're not like that, you have to control yourself, you can't let yourself be carried away by desire...

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