I Brought Him Here...

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Elliott's pov:
Today could be the night that finally what he and I want so much to happen ... I still don't know how to feel about it, right now I'm willing to be with him, I'll see what happens when the time comes, I'll let everything flow.
Ugh damn clock! Fast forward!

A few hours pass and the clock finally strikes the desired time ...
The girls prepare to go down to the room

This time the chairs had a name each, there were three queens per table and one for four.

Elliott thinks:
Oh fuck, I can't be at the table with Joey, instead with Tina and, Ugh, Kandy

I looked to my right and there he was, at the other table with kahmora and utica...He smiled at me and I smiled back

Dinner finally arrives and the girls are enjoying the food, all talking and quiet

Elliott's pov:
I was drinking from my glass and how whenever I sit at the table with Kandy, I felt her heavy gaze on me.I know that she is attracted to Joey, and how to blame her, Joey is so hot, she seems to be jealous of me, of my closeness with joey

The girls finish dinner and go crazy again, the hotel service had put a bar for them in that room, the production staff had left a note: As a reward for y'all's performance at yesterday's episode girls! Don't go so crazy, best regards, the production team.
They had also set a table with desserts for the girls to enjoy, they all got up to the dessert table as soon as the waiter took the empty plates.

Joey and elliott remain seated at their tables, Suddenly elliott sees how Joey from his table is beckoning him, elliott looks at him and Joey throws him a napkin, he beckons him to open it.
Elliot opens the napkin and had a note on it that said:

"Meet me at the bathroom in 5 minutes ;)"

So Joey gets up and leaves

Elliott's pov:
The winking face that he wrote on the paper amused me hahahah he's so funny. I saw that he got up, I assumed he was going to the bathroom, where he told me to see him. I had gotten on my nerves, I knew what he wanted to do in that bathroom, or so I think ...
So I waited about 10 minutes and I got up too and left

Joey's pov:
I had been waiting for him in the bathroom for 15 minutes, I had the door ajar to see when he was coming... I was very nervous, so I looked down the hall and saw him coming...
When he got closer to the door I took him by the hand and pulled him inside

Joey: You finally came ...
Elliott: Sure, I wasn't going to keep you waiting
Joey: hmm yeah?

Elliott is standing in front of the door, inside the bathroom, while Joey is in front of him, holding the door with his hand and getting closer and closer to him.

Elliott's pov:
He was getting closer to my neck, I stopped him by putting my hands on his abs

Why did you make me come in here?- I asked

Joey's pov:
I leaned close to his ear and whispered:

-Today you are not going to escape from me ...

I could hear him giggling...

Elliott: I guess I have no escape - He told me whispering too

I laughed and went to his ear again, but this time I got down and went to kiss him on the neck ...
He was making small sounds that excited me, I took him by the waist while I continued kissing him.
I went up to his ear again, I whispered to him

"Elliott ... please ... let's go to my room"

He began to breathe very hard, I brought my body to his, and his crotch brushed my leg, I could feel a bulge ...

"Please don't leave me like this again"I said in his ear

Elliott's pov:
He was proposing it, that was forbidden, but I knew that if I said no to him, I would regret it the next day, I can't help it anymore ...

Let's go - I just told him that

He looked at me excitedly

Joey: really?
Elliott: Yeah, come on...

Joey takes Elliott by the hand and they run down the hallways, they were both very excited, for they knew what was going to happen.
Joey was running and had elliott holding the hand, while he was watching that no one came

They go up the stairs and reach the 10th floor. They run down the hall to Joey's room door

Joey: It's here *In an excited tone *
Elliott: What are you waiting for, open the door...
Joey: I'm looking for the keys

Joey's pov:
I was so nervous that I couldn't even hold the keys well, when I got the right one, they slipped from my hands and fell to the ground

Elliott: I see you're nervous * laughs *
Joey: Too much!

I finally managed to open the door.

Joey: Come in, please

Elliott enters the room, and Joey while biting his lip closes the door...

Joey's pov:
I closed the door and stared at the ground for a moment, I couldn't believe it, I already had Him there with me, only for me, I just have to take the next step ...
Then I turned around and he had taken off the jacket he was wearing

Joey: You're getting comfortable right? *Laughs*
Elliott: of course baby...

Elliott's pov:
I approached him and wrapped my arms around his neck, all the desire that had been enduring those two days I thought to take it out there with him...
I started to kiss him, as I had never done before, I threw him against the wall and began to touch under his shirt, I could feel with my hands those perfect abs that I had seen in my dream...
I stopped for a second to breathe, and laid my head on his forehead, I could feel his breath in front of mine ... It was getting very hot...

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