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**Coldhearted (Tsundere Reader)**

(Enjoy reading) (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)

I have a lot of new stories & fanfiction including oneshots on my drafts around 30-35 I think. But am not going to publish any of them until all the chapters in this story are done and cleanly edited.

Third person PoV ( narrator )

Your sitting at the garden fountain of the Palace can't help it you sighed those awful night terrors keep coming in your sleep that's why you have to take a walked to ease your mind from thinking all those bad things, Asra was not at your side right now his on a journey to knowhere and can't comfort you like what he always do when you have night terrors, suddenly you felt a dark aura (energy) of someone coming closer to you

"Why are you not yet asleep, Magician???"

someone ask startled, you look up only to see the unsettling Quaestor walking closer towards you, you made eye contact with them and immediately averted your gaze away from them looking at the bush of red roses at your left side they walk even closer than before tilting their head to the side waiting for an answer while pressing their fingers together like what they always do. You sighed tired of talking and want this to finish already.

"Why would I bother have to tell you, Quaestor"

you spoke coldly with sarcasm tone not bother looking at them and at the same time as you roll your eyes and continue staring at the roses, while doing so, you felt a gloved hand grab your chin gently but firm and tilt your head so you were facing them at eye to eye level, their so close only a couple of inches and both of you can kiss you thought blushing and frown at the same time, back to reality, you sighed and frown looking at them annoyed written on your face.

"What is it, What do you need from me anyway?".

you asked seriously

"What's the problem Magician, perhaps I can provide a solution at that"

they said offering you an assistant

"I don't have a problem Quaestor,. really and I can assure you am fine,.. I don't need any help"

you said hesitantly at the end they chuckled

"Not a good liar are we?"

they said smugly


you said coldly while rolling your eyes and just as you were suppose to walk out, you run out of balance and into the Quaestor's arms that wrap you protectively as both of you lost balance at that and fall to the grass, you on top of them as you feel someones chest, seconds later as you open your eyes notice that both of your lips tangled at one another, your eyes widen including the Quaestor's eyes and flush rush at your face you stare at them and hurriedly get off on top of them and immediately apologize for what just happen because of your clumsiness and run towards the the garden maze as fast as possible flustered mess,... As you reached the center of the maze your panting heavily and quite exhausted the gardens looks so beautiful as you mesmerized the surroundings flowers are everywhere its like a paradise as the star can be seen twinkling in the sky you were quite tired and exhausted, luckily you saw a long bench chair and let your self sink into a comfort, can't stop thinking of the Quaestor after what just happened previously.

You're still red and flustered at that,.. not knowing that you already fall asleep dreaming about them. As darkness engulfed you.

Valdemar's PoV

It's been a couple of minutes since that event happened and I don't know why but I can't help but keep thinking about them still shock at it, they're lips were soft and delicate and sweet at the same time.

I smile chuckled at my own reaction * Interesting* I said to myself and suddenly remember that they went to the maze knowing that they might get lost I went after to where they are, only to find them sleeping peacefully at the bench I sighed and walked closer to them they look exhausted I kiss their forehead before carrying them Bridal style careful not to wake them up. I admit I'm infatuated and I already confirmed it just not so long ago, my feeling towards them are genuine but am not going to tell them yet, I smile as I reached Y/N guest wing opening the doors and went inside taking their shoes off placing them in bed tackling them with blankets and giving them a last kiss on the cheek

"Sleep well, Magician"

I said smiling as I close the door and went back to my dungeon.

Word counts 810 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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Done Editing! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

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