Girl time

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You could tell from the way my fingers kept moving that I was on edge. The night before was quite traumatic. What happened kept playing through my mind like a broken record.



"Are you ready to go? I've been calling your name for like a minute." Kristin spoke

"Oh. Sorry." I replied getting up and walking towards the door where Kristin and Maddie were standing.

"So! What should we do first? We can go get massages, get our nails done, get lunch, go shopping?" Kristin asked.

"How about lunch first?" Maddie replied.

"Ok! Good with you y/n?"

"Mmhmm. The question is... where do we go for lunch?"

"That is a great question. How about..." Maddie thought for a moment. "Burgers? I saw a place that looks really good!"

"Good with me! You?"

I nodded my head. Kristin quickly ordered an Uber which came and picked us up then brought us to a burger place called Hodad's Down.

We walked up to the front counter and each ordered. Kristin got a cheese burger with onion rings and a coke, Maddie got a double bacon cheese burger with fries and a sprite, and I got a bacon cheese burger with fries and a lemon-aid.

After about a five minute wait, our number was called and I went up and grabbed the try with all of our food on it.

"This place is so good!" I spoke after swallowing my third bite.

"Your right. We have to take the boys here after con one day." Maddie giggled.

We saw someone walk by with a shake.

"I want one of those." I looked at the shake with longing in my eyes.

"Me too!" Maddie replied.

"What flavors do you two want?" Kristin asked.

"Chocolate please!" I replied.

"Strawberry!" Maddie asked.

"Okie dokie!" Kristin walked to the counter ordering the shakes and headed back towards our table.

Soon the number was called and I got up with the ticket and grabbed the shakes and sat back at the table.

"Can I get a photo of us and our shakes?" I asked.

They both nodded and posed with me and our shakes.



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Liked by Wilbursoot and 27,743 others

Y/ndoesstuff: Girls day with trixten and madimakesmusica! I got the chocolate, Maddie got the strawberry, and Kristin got the orange!

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now