The outside world!

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The car ride was slightly squishy. 18 people fitting into two vans. What could go wrong? Each van had 9 seats.

In one car we had Ted driving and Maddie riding passenger seat, Schlatt, Alex, and Jack in the second row, Charlie and techno in the third row, and y/n and Wilbur in the way back.

I had tried to offer the bench seat in the back of the van to the trio, but they were being stubborn and not cooperating.

In the other van was, Kristin driving and Phil riding shotgun in front, Nick and Floris in the second row, Clay and George in the third, and Ranboo, Toby, and Tommy in the last row.

— time skip to in the car—

Will and I had sat next to eachother in the way back of the van without children. Tommy had complained with Tubbo backing him up, but the decision was final when jack shut the door in their faces.

The ride was filled with light music and chatter amongst the people in the van. I was currently leaning on Wilbur while he danced his fingers across my thigh giving me tingles in the places his fingers touched. I sighed and blinked my eyes slowly.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Kind of."

"Close your eyes darling, I'll wake you when we get there." He whispered. I nodded closing my eyes and falling into a light sleep, listening to Wilbur hum to the overplayed pop song in the radio.

About a half an hour later, Y/n felt a small kiss on her the top of her head along with some rubbing on her leg.

"Princess, we are here. You've got to get up." He whispered into my ear, giving me chills.

I yawned. "Okey." We both got out of the van last.

Standing up straight, I took a deep breath while stretching. I felt my back pop a few times. The salty air was refreshing. I felt a hand on the small of my back and looked up to see Wilbur directing me to the group who had started waking away.

Tommy being Tommy took out his phone and started vloging.

"WHAT IS UP BOYS AND WELCOME TO A VLOG! TODAY WE WILL BE DOING LOTS OF STUFF." He started chattering away to Tubbo, and the masked Ranboo. Soon enough, a camera was thrust in Wilburs and my faces.

"What's your thought on women because I love women and they love me."

"Women are pretty pog because I am one." I replied pushing his hand away from my face.

"I'm surprised your not falling at my feet because women tend to do that." He chuckled. I made a face back at him.

"TOMMY COME LOOK AT THIS BIRD!" Toby yelled, which Tommy then sprinted off to.

"Is he always like that?" I ask.

"Yes. The first time we met up, he stole my wallet and broke into my office and started to stream."

"Jeeze. While running over there, he kind of looked like a newborn giraffe." We both chuckled.

As soon as the group had reached an arcade, everyone mutely agreed to go in. Mostly because Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo ran in without consulting anybody else.

Everyone walked passed the awards counter to which Wilbur pointed at a stuffed cat.

We had spent a ton of money on game after game. Everyone kind of split up into groups with the minors flitting between them all to get vlog content for Tommy's channel.

Wilbur and I were currently at pac-man with him gaping at my awesomeness.

"How are you this good?" He asked.

"Lots of practice. I used to live by a pizza place that had a Pac-Man and I would use the money I earned to play it."

I was around 2 million points when Tommy scared me making me lose. Turns out, I was the highest score on this Coin-Op cabinet.

"Tommy! What the hell!" I grumbled at him. I quickly put my initials in before entering it.

"Woah! Did you just get high score?" He asked.

"I would have grown higher but somebody scared me!"

"Sorry! Do another round! I want to record you doing it!" He spoke excitedly thrusting his phone in my face.

"Give me the quarter and I will."

"Fine." Tommy fished out a quarter from his pocket.

I placed it in the coin slot before clicking classic and starting the game. I had been so focused I didn't notice the rest of the group watching as well as some strangers.
I had been playing for quite a long time. My score was up above 2 million beating my last score when one of the ghosts came out of nowhere.

"Dang!" I yelled. People around me clapped making me jump.
"I didn't realize you all were there!" I chuckled placing my hand over my heart.

"Your final score was... 2,796,300! That so good!" Tommy yelled.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Thanks Tommy." He started chatting off about how he could totally get a better score and how he was the best which I replied with, "Would you like to show the class?" Which he promptly said no to and ran off with Toby and Ranboo,

After the group had dispersed again, Wilbur and I focused on getting tickets.  Turns out Wilbur is cracked at skee ball.

"How do you keep getting the 10,000s!"

"I don't know? I just roll the ball at that side and it goes in."

We had made lots of tickets there. Soon enough, we had reached our spending limit at the arcade that we had set for ourselves so we didn't accidentally spend every penny we owned.

"Ticket counter?" He asked. I nodded and we made our way over.

"Could I have the orange cat please?" He asked. The lady behind the counter quickly got it down before handing it to him. "Thanks!" He said before the two of us walked away.

"Here Tommy." Wilbur spoke and gave Tommy the rest of his tickets. "And this is for you." He handed me the cat.

"I shall name you (insert name here because y'all are more creative then me and had better names then what I came up with)!" I spoke enthusiastically.

Soon, Tommy came back with Tubbo and Ranboo. He had a package that was as long as his arm.

"What cha got there?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" He yelled. The package was wrapped in several plastic bags.

We all congregated just outside the entrance.

"I'm getting hungry. Is anyone up for getting dinner?" Some stranger spoke.

"That's a good idea! Let's head to a restaurant somewhere and get food." Ted spoke out.

We all decided that was a good plan and headed to a small diner like place that was on the board walk.

Once seated, everyone ordered drinks and some type of dinner food. Wilbur and I decided that we would be good sharing nachos. Everyone else got some type of burger, sandwich, or chicken fingers.

The ride home was just as peaceful as the ride to the board walk. With the same seating. I leaned in Wilbur again with his head resting atop mine.

I was holding his hand playing with his fingers while with his other hand he drew random little shapes on my thy.
"Your shoulder is comfortable." I muttered with sleep in my voice.

"Why thank you." He chuckled. He took his hand from my thigh and started running it through my hair. I hummed slightly at the action.

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now