Just a little art?

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     I'm currently in my small house. One bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and an office/guest bedroom. It was small and quiet. My house is in the woods so I have complete privacy.

As I sit in my office sketching my cat on stream in front of about 1,000 people? I haven't checked in a while. My twitch is (y/n)doesstuff and I'm a faceless streamer.

I read out notifications as they came through, writing their usernames as the background of the sketch. About half the page was filled with usernames.

I really love interacting with people. I don't get to hang out very often with people because I live in an isolated area and don't leave the house very often.

     I have two cats and a dog. Quite a lot of animals for one person, but I love them and they are good for my mental health. Living where I am was amazing. It's about 3 hours outside London, which was nice. Most people don't like to travel around here because 'it takes too long.' With me being from a small town in New Hampshire, USA, I love to travel so I will take up any offer to go out and explore or go some place new.

     I traveled to England when I was just about 20 on a whim. I had met a few people on discord through servers and became really good friends with a them. One day I wanted change, so I moved closer to them. Yes, they are all over England, but again, I love driving and road trips, so it didn't bother me to be where I am.

I've been to lots of different countries and places. I've seen so many sights and cultures. When I was 18, I wanted adventure. I traveled the world with nothing stopping me accept for occasional weather and sickness. After two years, I settled here, adopted a few pets, and started a life. It was a bit boring at the beginning, but hey, not all of life can be a thrill.

I documented my travels on TikTok and got a small following there. Most of my twitch followers found me through that app.

     As donations came, they would be spoken out loud by the text to speach robot. I answered each and every question as well as I could while keeping myself and everyone in my stories safe.

"Could you tell us a story from your travels? Also love your streams!"

"Yeah sure I can do that!" I quickly wrote their username on the background of the sketch and while I shaded it, thought of a story.

"Hmm. What is a good story?" I paused drawing for a second and tapped my chin with the back of my pencil. "I got one!" I chuckled thinking of the memory. "This happened about 6 months into my exploration of the world. I was In Venice at the time and taking photos of the sights around me while being all cute and taking in the view, when I tripped and fell into the canal." I paused for dramatic effect. "I had everything I owned at the time on me because I had just arrived and was making my way to the Airbnb I rented for two weeks. Thankfully I had a waterproof case and a grip of steel on my phone. I had to climb on a boat of this nice gentleman with the most glorious mustache I have ever seen, who then gave me a lift to the villa because it was a bit of a trek away." I snorted slightly while remembering more details about the memory that I couldn't speak of on camera.

    Chat was flying by because people were spamming laughing emotes and other words and sentences of humor. Leaning back in my chair I stretched for a moment observing chat and listened to the soft music. I was almost finished. I quickly signing it and moved all my tools away from the notebook letting the camera take in the beautiful cat in her glory.

"There you go chat! What do you think?" The chat was speeding by again. A few messages that caught my eyes were:
'Good job!'
'Can I have your cat?'
'Why are you so talented'
'It's not even that good, why is everyone lying to her?'
'Why is your cat cuter then me'

"Alright chat, it's been fun! I've been streaming for about... almost 7 hours now! Oh gosh! This has been my longest stream so far!" I yawned audibly to make it known I was tired. "Can I get pogs in chat?" I asked, which chat immediately responded with what I asked. "Alrighty! Ima end here! Let's raid (small streamer name) because I don't know about you, but I'm tired as fuck! Byeeeeeeee!"

Clicking end stream and paused my music. I sat for a moment just taking the silence. You could hear the wind outside the window and the low hum of the fan in the kitchen.

Tucker let out a huff while he was sprawled out on the floor behind me.

"I know buddy. I'm going to get ready now." I spoke quietly as if not to wake something that was sleeping. I closed out my software and turned off my computer. Looking at the clock, it was 3 in the morning.

"Jeeze. You ready for bed bud?" I asked. Tucker perked his head up and looked at me. I smiled at him.

Quickly posting a picture of the sketch on Twitter with the caption 'Thanks for another great stream!' I stood up and yawned. Walking out of the office, I went to my room and got into pajamas. I herd a small thump, the jingle of dog tags, and clicking and scraping of Tuckers nails getting closer on the wood floor. Before getting into bed, I closed the door and climbed into bed snuggling with Tucker. Getting ready for bed was tiring, so once I hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Yes. These are my pets. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Stella (the cat being sketched)

Stella (the cat being sketched)

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