13. My Girl

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<A/N> *****Trigger Warning***** romanticization of police/ police work 🤢🤮 Flip doesn't know what the truth of police work is yet so he's kinda playing it up because that's what he thinks he wants to do with his life. He will wise up in the sequel, promise. This is your bonus chapter, it wasn't in my outline but I felt inspired to add it, and then accidentally wrote 6k words. Sorry, it's so long. but I hope you like it. It's a lot of world-building but it's all coming together. 

My Girl - The Temptations

Your arm sat on Flip's lap as his hand held yours, the plane coasted through the clouds causing the loud hum of the engine and air to roar through the cabin at an almost unnoticeable volume. Your foot fidgeted under the seat with the little metal bar connected to the chair in front of you. Flip looked over at you letting out another exasperated sigh.

"Would you stop, we are going to be fine?" He asked pulling your head closer to his chest with his opposite hand, cradling you as best he could on the cramped flying tin can. His resistance ringing through with a bit of playful sarcasm.

"I'm just nervous, my dad-"

"Isn't always the most friendly."

"And my sister-"

"Won't shut up." He interrupted you again and you just let him. You'd been hounding into him the last few days about what he should expect. Drilling in expectations so he wouldn't be caught off guard. "Sunshine," he said waiting for your eyes to lock with his before he continued speaking. "I love them already, okay?" Your eyelashes fluttered as you let his words sink in. You were grateful to know that he was so calm and collected about the whole thing because you'd been sweating bullets since the phone call with your sister where he'd accepted her invitation.

"I just don't want you to think that we are," you took a moment to think over your words carefully before finishing your thought. "-odd."

"Darlin', you're an oddity that fascinates the hell outta me." He said quickly, letting a smile overtake his face he held back a chuckle which made your heart buzz.

I love you.....so much.

The corners of your lips turned up into a smile as you sat quietly staring up at the perfect hazel color in his eyes.

"If they get to be too much, I'm sure we could get you a room at the motel downtown." You suggested making sure he had an out.

"I wouldn't dream of it, baby."his hand moved you cusp your jaw in his monstrously large hand. "Not spending a moment away from my girl that I don't have to." He leaned forward placing a delicate kiss to your smiling lips. His thumb dragged against the soft skin on your cheek.

"Phillip," you started with a guilty tone weighing down your words. "I'm almost positive that my dad is gonna make you sleep on the couch." You gave a slight grin bearing your teeth trying to evade the irritation that would likely accompany someone who just found out they would be sleeping on a plastic-covered couch for the next three nights. You, however, were met with nothing more than a nodding Flip accepting your words as they came.

"Yeah, I figured that much, sunshine."

"You're okay with that?" He leaned in closer letting his lips brush against your ear.

"You can act all innocent in front of your parents, peaches. But we both know all the filthy ways you've let me ruin their perfect daughter." Your body shivered as his words crawled across your skin, leaving you breathless as your mind deciphered what he had meant by that. You were at a very high risk of joining the mile-high club. Which proved his point, he had ruined you. Your soul fell back into your body and you tried to stifle the moan that fell from your lips without permission. "Behave, sunshine. From my understanding, I won't be able to touch you till we get back." You wanted to stomp your feet and slam your fists down on the armrests throwing a good old-fashioned fit, but you knew it would solve nothing, including the undeniable ache in your skirt.

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