1. This Will Be Our Year

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<A/N> Guys, I'm on a roll this is the 3rd chapter I have posted across my stories in 24 hours. Please make sure you vote that really helps promote my story and it makes me motivated to keep writing the 1000 stories I have out rn.

***Trigger warnings*** for this chapter are sexism. It's 1972 and I didn't want to tackle the topic of racism since this is a YN insert I want readers of every ethnicity to identify as the main character. But since the character is a female I figure that's something we can all kind of land on semi-equal ground with. I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense to you but feel free to message me if you want to talk about it. I am always here.

This Will Be Our Year-The Zombies

You walked into the classroom very aware that you should not have worn a skirt. The men in the room stared at you as you tried desperately to go unnoticed. You thought for sure pairing your red plaid skirt with a chunky white turtleneck sweater would be more than enough to achieve the modest look you desired but there was something about gawking that came naturally to men. You took a seat in the back, hoping to avoid the stares and keep the attention facing forward. The rest of the students flooded the lecture hall as you tried to busy yourself by digging through your bag. When the professor walked in, you watched the plump elderly man wave his hands, trying to settle the commotion of the students around the room.

"Welcome students, I am Professor Winford. This is History 101. If that is not the combination of words that fits your schedule, I am sorry to tell you that you're in the wrong room. If that is what your schedule says I am sorry to tell you that you are stuck with me." The class let out a bit of a chuckle at his ice breaker joke, his face changed as he continued on. "In this class, we will be exploring the American settlements from 1692-1930. Since we have a few hundred years to cover, we better get started." The class offered another small laugh but your attention was quickly stolen by the sound of the door behind your left shoulder opening slightly. Your head turned and your jaw just about hit the floor.

The foxiest man you had ever seen was trying to dip himself low enough to sneak in behind the class. He slipped into the desk next to you and you really couldn't help but stare a moment longer. His shaggy black hair hung down around his face and he had the grooviest Van Dyke facial hair framing the softest looking lips you'd ever seen on a man. He turned his head to look in your direction and you nearly jumped out of your own skin. Calming yourself down, you turned your head and refocused your attention on whatever it was that Winford was talking about.

"What did I miss?" You heard coming from your left and you turned to see the greek god of a man looking at you with questioning eyebrows.

"Just some bad jokes, you have Winford History 101?" He looked at the paper he'd unfolded on top of his desk.

"That's what it says."

"Then you're in the right spot."

"Thanks." He smiled at you and you smiled back. You couldn't help it even if you tried, that smile could cure the deepest blues. Instantly, as the dimples in his cheeks showed, you knew you were in trouble. Class passed by without much incident and you tried to pay as much attention as possible, taking notes when you could but being this close to a man that looked like that was having its challenges. It wasn't helping that he found himself to be somewhat of a class clown, leaning over to you to make mindless puns and jabs at whatever Winford was going on about. It was funny but distracting. Winford looked up at the clock on the wall and you heard him announce,

"We will have a test every Thursday. If you need help with a study guide, I suggest grouping together, divide and conquer and then come together on what you find the high points of the chapter to be. Between a few of you, you're more likely to land on the kinds of questions I will be asking. That will determine your success. We are out of time for today but I will see you on Wednesday. Start on chapter 1. Class is dismissed."

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