6. She's Got You

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<A/N> Surprise! Another chapter. This story has been flowing for me the last few days but I am not exhausted so, goodnight.

She's Got You- Patsy Cline

After what seemed like weeks and weeks Rosemary was able to corner you into a girl's night. It's not that Flip would keep you from your friends it was just that you'd rather spend your time with him. He was more than just some hot guy you wanted to bone, though Flip was being pretty stingy about giving in, he was easily your best friend. Rosemary was a close second and having time away from Flip would be a nice break. Plus with Thanksgiving break coming up you needed to get some actual studying done. Midterms were in just a few weeks and you'd fallen pretty far behind. You knocked on her door but opened it without waiting for a response. She knew you were coming so you weren't pressed about keeping up good manners.


"Hey, come in I'm making us some popcorn." She yelled around the corner of her kitchenette. You took a seat at her desk, pulling out your books from your bag. It had been at least four days since you'd cracked a book at all. You were doing your best to keep up with papers and assignments but retaining information for tests and quizzes seemed to be falling to the wayside. She walked into the room holding two small bowls of popcorn handing you one before sitting on the bed.

"Thanks, Ro."

"I'm just trying to bribe you into coming around more. I haven't studied with you in almost four weeks."

"I've been busy."

"Oh I've noticed, I've seen more buffalo check in these halls over the last few months than I have since last Christmas."

"Stop teasing."

"I'm not teasing. I'm being observant." You rolled your eyes as you flipped through your notes. "How is all that going? I assume you must have broken up since you finally found time for little old me." You really did appreciate Rosemary, she was a few years older than you. Even though she was your closest friend at school, the relationship you two had was more of a big sister little sister dynamic. She was a junior, like Flip and although it didn't seem like a huge age gap it was always helpful to have someone to lean on that had gone through exactly what you had. She was your own personal trailblazer.

"Oh, stop it! No, things are fine. Actually, they're wonderful. I just needed to get some work done."

"How are you doing? It's your first semester, being an adult and away from home. That, on top of a boyfriend, can be a lot."

"I'm doing okay, I am getting by in history but my biology class is going to be my downfall. I'm having a hard time concentrating."

"Look, you're a smart girl and I know new love can be exciting," She waved her arms in the air pressing her lips together, "- but you have to remember why you came to school in the first place. We have to work twice as hard for half the credit."

"I know, I know. I just-"

"I'm serious. You can't put all your eggs in one basket. He's what, two years ahead of you?"

"Yeah." You let out a small huff of annoyance crossing your arms over your chest.

"Okay so what are you gonna do when he graduates?"

"Oh, I don't know. We haven't been together very long. I haven't thought that far ahead."

"And look how deep you're already in." She pointed at you again, "I'm not saying don't date him, I've seen him, believe me I get it. I just think you need to remember why you're doing what you're doing and that what you want is also important."

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