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My mind went over the events of last night as I walked to a pharmacy

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My mind went over the events of last night as I walked to a pharmacy. The hot summer breeze letting my hair fly around my face. I took in a whiff of Paris. A mix of croissants, fashion and love. I remembered my thought the second I saw Marcel from the balcony watching a statue; follow him. And I did, I raced down and followed him, luckily, a cab was driving up as I got down. He got to a club, and I watched as he got in, but unfortunately, I had to queue, so I lost him for a moment.

When I eventually got in, I sat quietly at the bar stools, sipping the soda I had ordered using the little cash I had on me. My eyes screened the club, as I tried to find him, my eyes fell on red curtains at the other side of the club, secluded from the other parts. I stood to my feet, not bothering to finish my drink as I went towards the curtains. While pushing past the, sweaty bodies that danced on the dance floor, some dragged me to dance but I forcefully walked past. People danced, bodies grinding on bodies and I started to feel claustrophobic, like the crowd was swallowing me.

"Hey sexy girl." Someone said into my ear as I walked, stopping me with his hands on my waist.

"Let me go." I shuddered. He gripped me harder and moved my waist, while my back was pressed to him. I suddenly felt weak, violated and frozen. I tried to push him off, but it was almost impossible as he was triple my size. "I know you like this baby." He said as he continued to move me on his body. I bit my lip and elbowed him, while he stumbled back, I took that as an opportunity to hit him in his groin, to ensure he doesn't come back. He doubled over in pain and I took that as my cue to run.

I continued dodging the bodies around the club till I finally got closer to the red curtains, it was above me, so I glanced at both sides to find a way in. I noticed the stairs by my left and I walked towards it. By this side of the club, there weren't much people. Just some knocked out on the floor, or making out by the wall. I ignored them as I walked to the entrance of the curtain. Red light could be seen from the small space under the curtain.

I got there and a bouncer appeared, I stood, debating on how I would manoeuvre my way in. I took a deep breath and I walked up to him, and I was met with a hard stare.

"Who are you?" He asked, his raspy voice exercising authority. I swallowed the lump in my throat at his question, preparing myself for the words that were about to come out.

"I'm the wife of Marcel Enzo." I said, the words foreign to me. I had never once referred to myself with the title before.

His hard look didn't falter, and he just looked away from me, like I was invisible. "Did you hear me? I really need to get in there." I repeated, and he just ignored me further. With a frustrated groan, I moved to walk up the stairs but he gripped my forearm to stop me.

"Now, I don't know who the hell you are, but get your skinny ass out of here." He said through gritted teeth, and I had to force back a tear. He just insulted my frame, he won't be the first or last either. I yanked my hand out of his, giving him a hard look, with a huff, I walked away from him.

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