:)Chapter 14(:

495 14 10


-good lil boy - ateez

-drunk-dazed - Enhypen


Felix ran into the hospital as fast as he could. He also brought some flowers and tteokbokki.

When he opened the door to Chan's room, he saw the male fell asleep again. He tried to close the door as quietly as possible. Felix placed the flower at Chan's nightstand and sat down at the chair in front of Chan's bed. 

Felix was released from the hospital one day ago. The Doctors said he wouldn't have to stay but he should stay in bed the next days. 

Felix promised them, which he broke but Chan was way more important right now.

He looked at his sleeping soulmate

" I don't understand you, chan... why would you risk your life for me? you're spending too much time caring for me... you should watch your own health and well-being" he whispered and slowly stroked the elder's hair. 

Felix sat next to Chan for hours and the other didn't wake up so Felix fell asleep next to him. His head laid on Chan's mattress uncomfortably but the younger couldn't care less since he was really tired. 


When Chan woke up, the first thing he noticed was, that it was dark outside. He wondered how long it's been since he fell asleep again. He wanted to turn around when he felt something shuffling beside him and that's when he realized that Felix was there. Right next to him. 

Felix slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chan.

Chan uwued at the sight. Felix's hair was all over the place and his eyes barely opened while he looked at him. Chan ruffled the youngers hair 

"Hey Lix" He whispered.

But the other pulled away his head and looked at Chan. He looked... mad.

"Chan... there are some things I want to talk about with you." He said and Chan got confused. He sat up in his bed and waited for Felix to continue. 

"Chan. I know this whole soulmate thing is important for you but you can't ignore your personal needs. You have to eat and drink too... And why didn't you tell me you lived alone? I know it's your choice but if I knew I would have helped you more. You help me so much and I just want to give you back some of it but you are making it so damn hard for me..." 

Felix explained and stood up while ruffling his own hair. He walked to the window and stared outside. 

"I just would appreciate it if you told me whenever you need help or something. It makes me feel weak to know that you're always there for me but I don't even know that you live alone. I basically know nothing about you"

After Felix said that, it went silent. Chan thought about what Felix said. He understood what the other meant. But he also felt hurt. He felt like Felix didn't appreciate his behavior of trying to save him at all. But of cause, he would never admit that.

"I am ready to tell you about me, Felix. I want your trust and I guess I can't expect that without telling you some things about myself. "

Felix turned around from his place at the window and slowly approached the bed. He sat down next to it and looked at Chan expecting. 


So the other started talking.

"I grew up like any other kid. My childhood was actually very good. There was nothing to worry about. Me and my family lived in one of the better neighborhoods in Sydney. I grew up as the oldest of three sons. Our parents got us everything we needed but never too much of what we wanted. They wanted us to grow up, thinking that nothing comes for free and that we barely can get what we want without doing something for it. I am thankful for receiving that kind of knowledge from them. 

When I turned 15, I decided it was time to come out as bisexual to my parents. We never spoke about being gay or to not like the opposite gender so I didn't know how they would react if I told them about my sexuality. 

But since they supported me my whole life, I thought their reaction wouldn't be bad.

Well... I was wrong. I was never that wrong in my life. 

My mother started crying and my dad got angry, saying things like 'MY SONS AINT GAY! LEAVE MY HOUSE IMMEDIATELY CHRISTOPHER BANG' Christopher is my Christian name and my parents only used it when they were really angry.

My dad left the room and I looked at my mum, searching for some understanding. But I was only met with confusion

'chan, pack your things. You're moving to your aunt.' she said. I ran to my room and cried while putting random things into my backpack

My mum drove me to my aunt and I haven't seen her since then. In the beginning, my brothers used to call me and when my parents found out, they started sending letters to me. But I guess my parents found out as well. 

When I turned 17, my aunt died and I had to live on my own. 

Something deep down in me still thinks my brothers would send me a letter or call me. But I guess thinking that is stupid. I wouldn't even recognize my brothers if I saw them on the street.

Jongho must be 15 now and Yeosang 16. I miss them. I miss my parents as well...

that's it, Felix. That's the sad story of my life. "

TW over

By the end of his story, Chan was crying. Felix looked at him and wanted to cry as well. How could any parent do this to their kid. What's wrong with the world...

When Felix came out as gay, his parents didn't really mind. They told him they don't really care about his sexuality. He never realized having understanding parents was a privilege. 

He didn't know what to do so he just hugged chan. He didn't want him to cry. He didn't want him to remember those bad memories because of him. Chan grew important to him in those weeks he had been to Korea. He couldn't imagine his life without the protective other anymore.

Did Felix might realize that he

loved chan?


I'm sorry for not updating hehhhe but there you go now you know chans backstory 

and sorry for the cliffhanger :)

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