:)Chapter 4(:

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On our way to the airport, nobody said a thing. All three of us were thinking about other things. Jake and I were sitting in the backseat. Looking at the Australian landscape, I got sentimental. I thought about when I first drove this way when we visited a friend in Perth. I was five years old and very excited. I remember it very well. But now, I'm moving to another continent. I was excited but rather in a bad way and my lack of sleep didn't make it better. But I didn't feel sleepy at all, I just felt a little bit dizzy. Thoughtful, I looked at Jake, who was staring out the window. I saw a little tear running down his soft cheek. With seeing that, I knew how much I'd miss him.

I saw his hand reaching in my direction, laying on the car seat. I smiled and laid my warm hand on his cold one. With my other hand, I grabbed his chin and gently pushed his face into my direction. I wiped away his tear and gave him an encouraging smile. Even if I really didn't feel like smiling but I knew I had to be strong in front of him. I didn't want our farewell to be more dramatic than necessary. 

When we arrived at the airport, everything was hectic. We didn't know where we should go and all three of us were overwhelmed. My mother was staring at the big screens and checked where we had to go. It was 2:50 pm and my mom was very nervous. 

I tried to calm her down: "Mum we don't need to hurry our flight goes in 3 hours."

She nodded and sighed: "you're right honey, I'm not a good role model for you guys, I'm sorry."

I grabbed Jakes's hand and pulled him to the information desk. "sorry, my mum and I booked the 6 Pm flight to Seoul in South Korea with Koreanair. Where do we have to go to check-in?"

The employee gave me the information and jake headed back to my mother. 

We went to the check-in point when Jake suddenly stopped. And I realized that this was the point where had to say goodbye. I swallow the lump in my throat and looked at my besties face.

He looked at mine as well and then he turned around to open his backpack. I was confused about what he was about to do when he pulled out a little kangaroo plushie. I chuckled and let out a little sob when he gave it to me.

"I give you this, so you don't forget me and your home" he said. It was more like a whisper. He looked at the floor, trying hard not to cry.

I pulled him in for a hug and whispered as if the words would fall apart if only I said them a little bit louder:" I could never forget you, you know that." 

We stayed in the hug for what felt like seconds to us but it must have been about 10 minutes when I noticed my mother was getting nervous again.

I wanted to get out of the hug when he stopped me. He nervously looked into my eyes and then, he kissed me. It was just a little peck but I was totally confused. 

He looked at me and quickly said goodbye. He smiled and bowed to my mother and started walking away. When he was already a few meters away, he turned around again and looked into my eyes. The taller loudly said "I told you I love you" and smirked. He turned away and didn't turn around again. 

I was totally perplexed and just looked at him leaving. I just stood there, my mum waiting for me.

After about 5 minutes, my mum called my name. I didn't hear it at first but then I realized I was at the airport and about to leave for Korea. We went to the check-in point and through security control. I did not say a single thing. 

but when I stood in front of the woman that was supposed to check our passport, I had to talk to her.

"Where are you going?" she asked "South Korea" I whispered. 

"Why are you going there" she asked afterwards. "I don't know it either" I said so softly that she couldn't possibly understand. "Sorry sir, I didn't get that" she said.

"I don't know it either. I don't know why my parents force me to move to Korea when I feel perfect in Australia and they know I don't want to leave at all. I don't know a single soul under 50  in Korea, I have huge problems with the pronunciation and my best friend just kissed me and left. Everything I want right now is to talk to him. I didn't know he felt like this. He never told me and we have been friends for more than 15 years. I don't know why I'm moving to goddamn Korea right now so don't ask stupid questions and let me pass before I run back to jake!" I yelled. 

Everybody at the security point looked at me with wide eyes. "Felix please-"

"No mum this was necessary" I interrupted her with a way calmer voice "are you ready? I really don't have the nerves for this anymore"

She nodded and the security let us pass, still very perplexed.

When we were out of hearing range, my mum yelled at me:" Felix you're really acting childish right now. You're 17 years old and not a toddler anymore. I thought you knew how to behave. But right now, you're Behavior is so.... UGH!"

I chuckled, earning a bad glance from my mum. Sometimes when she gets angry, she says things like this because she forgets English words. "Mum I really didn't feel good and now I'm better" I explained to her in Korean.

"But why did you have to let it out at the employee? she was just doing her job. She was really shook when you suddenly shouted at her." My mum confronted me.

"I'm sorry it just happened" I said in tiny, knowing I would lose any discussion.

When we finally went on board and got to sit down, I thought of jake again.

while flying over the beautiful landscape of my country of birth, I was wondering why he never told me about his feelings. And even more important: Why did I never tell him about mine? 

When I was in 9th grade, he was my big crush. But at that time, I thought he was straight. So I accepted to stay best friends with him until the very end. 

If only he told me earlier.....

We could have started a long-distance relationship. We know each other so well that I don't think that would have been a problem. 

Why didn't you tell me jake? WHY?! 

I asked myself again and again and it made me very tired so I fell asleep.......


heyyyyyyyy yooooooo

thanks for reading my story rawr :)

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