:)Chapter 5(:

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As the plane crossed the Philippines, Felix woke up. He was freezing and hungry. He looked at his mum beside him and asked: "do we have anything to eat? I'm starving..." 

"Hey Felix, good you're awake. You slept for about 11 hours. Seems like you really needed it. We will get Breakfast in about an hour." she patted Felix's head and went back to reading her book. He sighed, still very sleepy. He looked out of the window and saw the sun slowly rising. It looked stunning how the clouds slowly turned pink and orange. It made him feel like he could forget all his problems which were thousands of meters below him.

He looked out of the window for good half an hour, when he thought of Jake again. He didn't know why he freaked out that much, earlier, He will just call Jake as soon as he arrives at the airport. He smiled and finally felt happy excitement rising up in his chest. He wanted to arrive in Korea, he wanted to see how his parents grew up, he wanted to speak the beautiful Korean language. 

After having Breakfast, Felix watched some k-dramas and listened to K-pop. When they were flying above the island of Jeju, where his Grandma was born, He knew they would arrive in Seoul soon. 

You couldn't imagine how excited he was. He wanted to get out of the plane and discover this country of which he ate the food and heard stories since he was born. 

When the  Announcement he waited for was made, he squealed loudly. Everybody around him looked at him with a confused gaze and his mother bowed at them as an excuse. 

"Felix, please... you're embarrassing"

"Were soon reaching Seoul, South Korea. Please put on your seatbelts and don't stand up anymore. We will arrive in less than 15 minutes. " an electronic voice annunciated.

"우리는 곧 서울에있을 것입니다. 안전 벨트를 매고 움직이지 마세요." The robot voice repeated in Korean. 

"Mum I really can't wait to get out of this plane" Felix squealed. He wanted to stand up to be the first one getting out of the plane. 

"Sit down Felix, sit down. Felix come on sit down please." His mother had to repeat a few times before Felix followed her order. 

When the plane finally landed, Felix jumped up. He wanted to be the first one getting out. 

While trying to leave the plane, He bumped into somebody. It was a boy, Felix guessed he was around his age. He was very tall and had brown hair. His style was very good and his face was handsome as hell. He had a little birthmark below his right eye. 

Felix apologized and the boy bowed. "No problem" he said. 

the boy was very familiar to Felix and he knew he had seen him somewhere.

But where?

Nevermind. He wanted to get out of the plane as quickly as possible. 

His mother and he got out of the plane and called themself a Taxi. 

Driving thru Seoul for the first time had Felix impressed and overwhelmed. He had never been to such a big city. The city is twice as big as his hometown, Sydney. He looked at the big buildings beside some traditional Korean ones. He was more than impressed.

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