:)Chapter 13(:

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Hey! I will start putting song recommendations to every Chapter of which I think could fit the vibe.  

You're free to listen to them while reading this :)

1. Stray Kids 'Ex'

2. BTS 'Lie' (I don't stan BTS but that song jsciwebw)


Felix's Parents arrived within half an hour and when they stormed into the lounge in front of the operation room, the place Chan said he would be waiting, they were soaking wet but didn't seem to care about that at all. 

They bombarded Chan with questions like 'How did that happen' or 'Why didn't you inform us earlier'. 

Chan answered all of them. 

But after, they just sat next to Chan and stared holes into the white clinic wall. They obviously had a lot to think about.

It's not like Chan wanted to talk to them but he didn't want the awkward silence that occurred between them. He knew that Felix's parents thought it was his fault and he could'nt blame them for it. He, himself thought it was his fault as well. 

But their unspoken words made things only worse. 

They remained like this for hours and nobody spoke a word. The sun started showing through the dusty hospital windows and Chan wondered how much longer it would take when suddenly, the doors busted open and three nurses came outside while carrying a sleeping Felix on a bed.

Chan and Felix's parents jumped up from their seats and none of them felt sleepy anymore.

"Are you mister and misses Lee?" one nurse asked. Felix's parents nodded and bowed. "And you are-? " another nurse said while turning to Chan. 

"I am his so- I mean I'm his friend." He answered. "Well then you have to leave, we have to speak to his parents." The nurse replied cold-heartedly.

Chan just nodded perplexed and slowly turned around to leave the lounge area. He looked to the floor and suddenly felt a tear slipping down his cheek. Felix looked so pale and helpless. He quickly whipped it away with his sweater. 

He sat down at the waiting area, totally exhausted. 

He fell asleep, his head laying uncomfortably at the back of his seat. But he didn't care at all, he had to make up for more than 24 hours of insomnia. 

ㅅ ㅅ ㅅ ㅅ ㅅ

"Chan! HELP!

Chan PLEASE help me!



Chan had these sentences in his head. Felix was desperately screaming them over and over again. Chan thought he'd go crazy. Over and over again. again and again. But he couldn't move. he couldn't do anything to help Felix. 

He just saw what happened a few hours ago. The scenario was playing in his head. Over and over again. 

He covered his ears and shut his eyes but they were still there. Felix's pale face and his eyes were bloodshot by all his crying. The voices were getting louder. He couldn't escape them all he could do now was dying. yes, Chan felt like dying. Big tears of regret were running down his cheeks.

he wanted to- "Chan, wake up. You're alright, you're safe. Nothing can happen to you... Just open your eyes and look at me, please..."

Chan slowly opened his eyes. He was blinded by a bright light. 

"Good morning" the unfamiliar voice that also woke him up spoke. 

As Chan's eyes got used to the bright light, he saw the person the voice belonged to. 

"Hey Chan, my name is Jeongin and I'm a doctor. Three days ago, you were found crying and screaming in the hospital's waiting room. You seemed awake but you weren't. I took you here and examined you as much as I could in your sleeping state. But I can tell that you're traumatized since you were crying and shaking the whole time. You also covered your ears and yelled things in english. You're also suffering from a lack of sleep, water, and food. You urgently need treatment. But don't worry, I'm sure I can help you." The doctor said and smiled warmly. 

Chan slowly nodded while trying to process all the information he received. 

"Oh and, there was a boy, he came at least five times a day to check on you but I told him I won't let you receive guests until you're awake. He gave me his number and asked me to call as soon as you wake up. But I wanted to let you decide whether I should do this or not."

Chan nodded again, wondering who could have visited him. And also, how would they know that he was hospitalized. 

"His name was... hold on what was it again? Fred? no... ah, Felix... He seems to be a foreigner. "

Suddenly, Chan hectically sat up from his laying state and looked at the doctor with big eyes. 

"Felix?! Omg please tell him I woke up! I need to see him, he's my... my closest friend!" 

Jeongin just nodded knowing and dialed Felix's number. For making the call, he left the room

Felix immediately picked up. 

"Hey, Is this Felix?" Jeongin asked and got a positive response.

"Chan is awake now but before you come here I have to talk about something with you...Chan... he is in a difficult state. He seems to not really eat and drink and also he's lacking sleep. Now, whatever happened to him, left him traumatized so he might start being in an even worse situation. I know it's not your job but I can't really do much since he sees me as a doctor and could never trust me as much as he trusts you as his friend... or whatever your relationship might be. So if you could just look out for him a little bit, watch out that he eats and drinks. I would be thankful for that. Since he lives alone there is nobody else to check on him..." Jeongin said. Felix on the other hand was quiet and didn't say something for minutes. When Jeongin thought he hung up, Felix said: "Sure I'll take care of him but... he lives alone?"

Jeongin was surprised by the Question. If even him, the doctor, knew it but his so called closest friend didnt? What kind of 'friendship' is that? 

"...yes...he does...You didnt know that?..." 

"No...Nevermind Ill come as soon as I can."


I just bought an Ateez Wooyoung Pc. I wanted it for sooo long but it was soo expensive ahhh

 But now im exited

I k this chapter sucks but i wrote it in my chemistry class so it was hard to focus on writing in english.

what do you think about my idea of putting songs to the chapters beginning?

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