:) Chapter 9 (:

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"What does that actually mean, I'm your soulmate?"

Chan looked at Felix and said "It means we are meant for each other. When I first dreamed of you, I wondered why you were a boy.  If you were a girl, we would be meant for each other in a romantic way but since you're a boy I guess the universe just wants uns to be friends.

felix nodded.

'so he's not gay? ' he thought, slightly disappointed.

"By the way, I'm from Australia as well." The other said. "Really!?" Felix said happily." From which part?" He asked and looked at the other. "I was born in Sydney but I moved here when I was around 12 years old." 

"That's so cool I'm from Sydney too."

Chan just smiled as a response and said he'd look for the nurse since Felix woke up.


Felix and Chan made their way back to school. An awkward silence accrued because both of them didn't know what to say. Felix was kind of overwhelmed with the situation because he suddenly had a 'soulmate' and didn't know how to act. Chan had to proceed that he just met Felix. He never thought that day would happen. He already accepted to never meet the cute younger. 

After 10 minutes of walking, Chan thought of something

"Felix, would you give me your phone number? I would love to text you."

"Yeah sure. No wait, I can't. I broke my phone, I wanted to get it fixed right after school."

"You want me to join you?" Chan asked Felix.

"Thanks but I think there's no need for that. "


When they arrived at the school, Jisung and Seungmin were already gone. luckily Felix knew the way back home. 

He opened the door, quickly changed from his school uniform into something more comfortable, checked the nearest store that fixes phones, grabbed 40 AUD, and left. 

He found the story quickly and gave the guy inside his phone. He told him it would take some time for him to fix it so Felix had to wait about an hour. The Aussie was slightly annoyed but he anyways didn't have something else to do.


"Sir, you're phone is ready." The guy shouted and Felix got up. He fell asleep in a comfortable armchair. 

"here it is. I'm getting 26.200 won." Felix froze and mentally slapped himself for being that stupid. 

You're in Korea, dumbass, you cant pay with Australian Dollar.

"I- um sorry but uh-" Felix was nervous and forgot how to speak Korean. He was a stuttering mess and the guy who fixed his phone got angry. "YOU DONT HAVE MONEY WITH YOU!?" he shouted at Felix. He was helpless and wanted this to be over when suddenly. A hand reached to his phone from behind, followed by a voice, Felix knew. 

"Sorry, he is new here. Please treat your customers better." Felix heard chan say. 

The older got money out of his wallet and handed it to the employee. "Keep the change," he said, grabbed Felix's wrist, and headed out the store. Felix just followed him without any questions.

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