:)Chapter 6(:

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When Felix was about to answer the call, he was shaking. He suddenly remembered what happened, hours before at another continent. He still didn't know how to feel about what Jake did. 

"h- hey" he mumbled.

"Hey, Lixie how ya doing? did you guys arrive safely?"  Felix's brain immediately switched off, by hearing the taller's voice

"I- we um I think I.... this and...you I-.... ugh sorry"

The other chuckled by hearing Felix struggle

"Yo fel calm down, it's me you're talking to, right?" 

Felix sighed and nodded while realizing that the other couldn't see it. 

"Listen, I really feel better with you knowing my true feelings. I was really having a hard time imagining you, moving without knowing my real feelings. I really love you and I actually wanted to ask if you want to be my boyfriend but then you told that girl that you don't like long-distance relationships. I was struggling the whole time and didn't know what to do. I know that you probably don't feel the same, but please just don't tell me. Hearing it from you would only make it worse..."

Felix listened to Jake talking while he got upstairs to his room. He threw himself onto his bed. He opened the window and felt the cold night air blowing into his face. He looked at the rushing and stressful city in front of him. This gave him confidence.

"Jake... I was really shook when you just kissed me. I never expected you to feel this way. To be honest I was really confused...... I don't really know what to say now."

An awkward silence grew between them as both of them were lost in thoughts.

"I think... that I- I like you too that way but I-" Felix wanted to explain but got interrupted by Jake:" YOU REALLY DO?! OMG FELIX I-... SERIOUSLY CAN'T BELIEVE IT RIGHT NOW!"

Felix could hear Jake breathing heavily and he even got the illusion to hear his heart beating fast.

"So you actually wanna be my boyfriend?" the older heard that the other's voice suddenly changed and he sounded fragile and scared. "I actually didn't plan to ask you this but now that you said this..." Jake started blabbering and Felix had to interrupt him"

"Jake? Hey, Jakey listen, please." Felix didn't know how to explain it to him without hurting his best friend. 

 "I'm sorry but I'm just trying to be realistic right now.. I- I don't know how to say this..."

Jake was silent, Felix could only hear his heavy breathing.

"I don't think we should become a couple... I think it would be more hurtful than beautiful. I'm thousands of miles away from you."

after that statement, Felix got silent and didn't want to say anything anymore. He didn't want to make it any worse. But Jake didn't say anything as well. 

"I- I will hang up now Felix okay? I- really need time. I'm so sorry you don't deserve this. You always loved me as your best friend and I obviously got it wrong. I'm very sorry. I will call you if I am feeling better if that's okay for you. bye..." 

Felix wanted to explain his feelings to jake, he wanted to say that he was sorry and that it wasn't Jakes's fault. He wanted to talk to him... But Jake hung up before...

He felt miserable and threw his phone on his bed. 

He didn't want to be there anymore. he didn't know what to do. He stormed out of his room into the dark hallway of his floor. He stumbled because it was dark and he wasn't able to see anything. 

When he tripped, he fell against the wall and it suddenly gave in. He was confused because the part of the wall he fell into, just felt like cardboard. He quickly turned on the light and saw it: The part was actually only a big piece of cardboard. And behind it, he recognized stairs... yes, stairs.  

He was so confused. He didn't know whether if he should see, where they would lead him. He debated with himself but then, his curiosity won.

He slowly took the first step and got faster because he wanted to know what expected him at the end of the stairway. He got faster and faster and in the end, he was running. There was a door and luckily it was open. He pushed it and was devastated. 

He stood in the middle of a rooftop. He looked around and he got excited. he felt like in a movie. 

on the one side, he saw the city sparkling and being loud. On the other side, He saw the silent mountains, seeming like they're sleeping. When he looked up, he saw millions of stars. He sat down at the border and started crying.

He cried out so loud like he never did before. He screamed but the noisy city swallowed it all. 

He cried and cried with no end in sight. He missed jake, he missed his hug, he missed laughing about things only they understood. He wanted to explain everything to him so badly, he was so sorry. 

He laid down to face the stars. He cried and didn't even realize how he got tired. 

In the end, he fell asleep on the rooftop.


It was a short chapter but I will update again, soon. ;)

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