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Once again, sentences in this font are flashbacks! Enjoy!
After a well-spent afternoon with Ben, I walked into work a week later. I'd taken off the week, to mourn my little brother and go to his funeral. I gave a speech in which told him that I loved him, one last time.

I felt a little better after being with Ben like old friends again, and I'm sure that over time, I'll heal.

The second I saw Ben, I didn't know what to do. My mind played 14 million different scenarios in my head, but nothing that would've helped me at the moment. Lucky -and unlucky- for me, he completely ignored me. I thought that might've been best, given that neither of us really knew how to act after what happened.

I spent the week mourning my brother, but also contemplating his kiss. It was soft and felt amazing, but I didn't know what it meant. Was it out of love? Was it just to make me feel better? Was it because he wanted to apologise? Was it because he actually wanted to kiss me on the lips? I really couldn't think of any solution to that problem, but for now, we were back to square one.


It had been a week since my feelings had increased by 1000%, but let's just say that I was almost ready to apologise. Over the last few months I'd been terrible to her, but I really wanted to make up. My feelings for her finally took over my pride, and I figured I'd do it today.

During lunchtime I saw Nyx sitting in her office, reading her book -as always-. I knew that this would be the perfect chance to finally tell her how sorry I actually was.
I knocked on her doorpost 3x3 times, as I had seen it in the show she was watching. I said 'Nyx', every time after 3 knocks.

She turned around with a puzzled smile on my face, and when she saw me, I couldn't read her face anymore. Not understanding her facial expression, I just started talking;
'Hi', I said at first. 'look, I know that I've been terrible for you in these past months, but I wanted you to know that after last week, I've wanted nothing more than to just be friends again. I can't stand not having you around me. You're like the brown-haired, always-happy, nerdy, sweet and totally awesome ray of sunshine in my life, and I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world, so what I'm asking is; please forgive me for my past mistakes, I realise that I hurt you, and I'd understand if you can't forgive me, but please just consider it.'


He finally did it.

He apologised.

I stared at him in awe for a while, and then before I knew it, I was talking too;
'I've made mistakes too, and I'm so sorry. Just know that you're kind of forgiven, but you still need to gain my trust back a little bit, because... well some of the stuff you said kind of hurt, you know?'

'I know, and I'll do anything to get you back.'

I didn't exactly know how to respond, so I just pulled him in a hug. Tears were streaming down my face, but I didn't care. At this moment, I had him back.

After we finally broke apart, he wiped my cheeks with his fingers and gave me a sheepish smile. I noticed that some tears had formed in his eyes too, and at that moment I knew;
This meant as much to him as it did to me.

'So, what do you say about eating lunch together?', he asked. I happily agreed as we walked on to get our food. The whole break was spent catching up on everything. We talked about family, habits, what had happened during our time apart, money, books and everything we could think of.

The rest of the afternoon Ben had to film, so I just went on and caught up on my unfinished work of the week. Despite recent events, u felt that much better after finally gaining a friend back. I was still wondering about the kiss, but for now it didn't seem to be such a good idea to bring that into the conversation, given that I couldn't lose him yet again, not so soon.

A part of me still wanted to be more than friends, but for now everything was okay. I would understand if he wouldn't have liked me back, after all of the shit I pulled. Like this one;

The people of the tech crew said I was allowed to pull pranks on people, as long as it didn't screw up any of the costumes, makeup or tech. Obviously, I'd love to pull a prank on my dearly beloved archenemy Ben. It had been three weeks since the 'incident' and I was still pretty pissed.

You see, dear ol' Bennie Boy was afraid of bugs, every single one of them. So everywhere I could think of, I'd place or draw little fake bugs to scare the shit out of him.

I drew bugs on the toilet paper, stuck them in his pockets, glued them to the insides of lampshades and even out one in his sandwich for lunch. Naturally, I heard high-pitched screams all day, everywhere he went, there were fake bugs.

After a day of laughing my arse off, a beet-red faced Bennie Boy came storming at me, yelling at me about how stupid that was, but all I could think about were the hilarious screams, so I was laughing through his entire lecture. The yelling in combination with his face just made it that much funnier.

I couldn't help but laugh at the memory.
'What're you laughing at?', I suddenly heard behind me.
Ben caught me so off guard that I almost fell of my chair. He chuckled at my little scream and caught me just before I fell.
'Well hello to you too!', I said.
After laughing a little longer and putting me back on my legs, he said; 'Hiya, I was just wondering if we could hang out tonight, you know go to your apartment. From what I saw, I really liked it!'.
'Um, sure! Let me just finish this and then we can go, okay?', he agreed and sat down on the second chair in my office.
We talked for about 10 minutes before I finished, so I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my office with Ben. I locked the room up and walked out of the building with Ben.

This was going to be fun again.

-1122 words-
Yay! They made up! I'm so happy rn :]
To my dear 943 readers;
Were growing fast! Thanks so much guys!
This was a pretty funny chapter, right?

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Oh, and in case I don't see you; good afternoon, good evening and good night! <3

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