The Announcement

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I was at school, celebrating my success-another medal from the theater arts club when my mum called me. she told me that as soon as the party ends, I had to get home. So I did, I actually ended it up 30 minutes early than the supposed time. When I came home, I saw a red Lamborghini car in front of our livingroom's door. It was the first time I ever saw a lambo and this made me think. as soon as I entered our house, 3 unfamiliar faces were facing me. It was a surprise for me 

"are we expecting anyone today, mum?" I asked. 

my mum stood up and walked to me 

"by the way, she is my daughter, Beatriz." she introduced. 

"hi!" i greeted. i whispered to my mum "who are they?"

"Well, honey. This is Ivan. Your husband-to-be."

"Oh... shiz!" I sighed. 

it was like the end of everything to me. My walls fell and I felt my shoulder became heavy. Why do I have to sacrifice my life to save the company from dying? My inside was killed. i felt numb after hearing those words.

While having dinner, the two parties-our parents exchanged agreements and signed the contract of our wedding. 

"we have to make things really quick, my daughter has 4 months left before she turns 18."
My mum demanded. 

"we'll take in-charge of everything. from the bottom to the top details of the wedding. We'll just consult you for more details."    Andrea, Ivan's mum answered. 

a moment of silence.

"Guys, I just wanna let you know that it's gonna be your first and last time to see each other. because the next one's gonna be on your wedding day which is 4 months away. so if I were you, I will take this chance to get to know my spouse."
Then these 4 oldies laughed. i accidentally looked at Ivan's eyes and by chance, he also looked at me then awkwardly smiled. it seemed like he knows how bad I feel.

It was me and Ivan at the garden, sitting like a meter away from each other-beside the pool area with our legs soaked on the water. kicking the water just to forget about the most awkward event of my life. He's hot and all fine but it's not the issue. there's nothing wrong with him, it's just that... hey! I'm only 17 and yet I have to be married when I turn 18? To break the silence, he mumbled.

"sorry?" i said cause I didn't understand him.

"Nice car!" He said while looking at my teal top down car. "it's old. vintage actually."
"classic car for a classy lady"

"isn't it crazy for you?"


"That we are asked to marry each other and live in harmony but they won't let us see each other and talk until my 18th comes?"

"Well, it is. everything actually is. but there's nothing we can do about it. It has always been a tradition in our families."

"tradition does not necessarily have to be followed."

"let's just think of it in a more positive way."

"How would i even do that?"

"Do you want to see your parents' hardwork just break into pieces? can you take it to see the company who brought you where you are right now suddenly just fall apart?"

"I don't care. I will break this effin tradition"

It was already 10 pm and they were still here. talking and talking and listening to their nonsense. I was really sleepy so I walked to the kitchen to grab some lemon tea. Ivan followed me then leaned on the counter.

"Your mobile" he said.


"Your mobile"

"My goodness, Ivan. Shut up!"

"I'm asking your mobile"

"And why are you asking my contact?"

He stared at me and said "breaking this tradition"

I hid my smile. That thing made me smile because I never thought that he's gonna say that. We were not allowed to talk nor go out with each other unless we get married. Because they believe that the wedding plans might get sabotaged if they will allow the arranged couple to have a communication before marriage.

"Do not text me ever"

"I won't. messenger may be?"

We both chuckled.

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