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I had taken a quick jog around my neighborhood

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I had taken a quick jog around my neighborhood. It was a way for me to keep my mind off things and try to stop thinking about tonight. I still couldn't believe I was going through with this.

Maybe if I just got on the next flight out of LA, they won't catch me. I haven't gone on vacation in months.

Who was I kidding? These people knew their shit. They would probably have caught me even before I stepped foot in the airport terminal.

I groaned out loud when I saw a car parked right in front of my house. It was Daphne.

Fuck my life

What the hell did she want? I had forgotten about her in all respects. The last time I saw her, she dropped me off at home after I got drunk off my ass at the Lion's Den.

I knew I needed to end things. She wasn't good for me. But for some reason, I couldn't let her go. It wasn't healthy.

When I opened the door I saw her sitting on my living room couch. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I shut the door, letting her know I had finally arrived home. She jumped up onto her feet and walked over to me.

"What do you want?" I didn't care if I sounded rude. I was tired. I could hear her huff in irritation. It was obvious she had thought I would react in another way. Probably thought I would be running into her arms, hugging and kissing her. She was sadly mistaken.

"We need to talk." Daphne said in a bitter tone. Her face fell into a frown. 

"I'm not in the mood. I need to get ready for tonight." I grumbled under my breath.

"You're never in the mood, Harry!" Daphne barked after me. I heard her footsteps behind me. This woman wasn't getting the hint. I ignored her as I walked into my bedroom. She huffed as I walked into my closet. "I'm not going to marry you!" She screamed.

That's when I stopped in my tracks. I was thoroughly confused. "Excuse me?" I replied as I grabbed ahold of the shirt I wanted to wear for tonight.

"I saw the ring!" Daphne explained, throwing her hands up in the air. I was still confused about what she was talking about. She murmured as she placed a hand on her face, clearly aggravated. "The ring you dummy!" She pointed towards my closet and that's when it clicked. "I saw it when I was trying to find clothes to wear when I dropped you off."

"You went through my things?" I hissed in disgust. Who did she think she was? I hated when people went through my things.

"Oh don't start with me! I wanted to find something to wear!" She grumbles. Clearly in no mood to be fighting with me. "I'm just not the marrying type." She shrugged her shoulders.

I couldn't help but scoff at her comment. "Well, that's good because that ring wasn't for you!" I shot back. My voice growing in anger.

Her face fell. Clearly shocked by my comment.  It was almost as if she was sad that my world didn't revolve around her. "W-What?" she hesitated.

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