Chapter 54: Cheers!!

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A few days before the wedding Thalia called Hazel all panicked, 'hey Hazel listen, do we have to do the best man speech?'
'What kind of question is this potato? Of course we have to...OMG you haven't prepped yet?'
. I kinda thought just one of us have to do it.....'
'No....we both have to do it...'
'Hazel please..please help me did you prep?'
'Simple....just say how much Harry means to you and how special Harry and Louis' relationship is. Easy'
'Easy for you to say'
'Just do it from your heart...........that's all'
' I probably should get to writing'
'I don't want to forget anything'
'Fine fine, cheers girl'
'Cheers bye'
Now it was time for Thalia for the speech.
Everyone raised their champagne glasses and Thalia stood up, nervous her heart was thumping hard.
She began,
'Family, is not just what you get, you can make one for yourself too. I made mine when I met Harry the first time, this day is the most awaited day of my life since I got to know about our handsome grooms and now husbands. I know you all feel the same. We all were waiting for them to get together, and finally it has happened.
I've been working for Harold for quite a long time, he is one of the sweetest, kindest human being I know. The way he treated me, like his own kin.
I'm just excited that finally he is together with Lou the man he has always loved, the love they share is immense we've all seen it.
I'm out of words can explain how I'm feeling to be I wish you the best of everything for your beautiful hearts.
To Harry and Louis.'
She raised her glass and so did everyone once again.
'Hear hear!', Niall cheered.
'Thank you Thalia that was beautiful.......' Harry smiled.
'Now.........let's see what mine has in store', Louis turned to Hazel.

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