chapter 10 familiar?

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After Sebastian and Ciel left with the oddly familiar man you were left alone with the servants.

"So you still have no idea what happened? The doctor said it could have been from trauma or asthma. Do you have asthma?" Baldroy asked concerned. 'I don't think I have asthma but I did remember mister Gaimber so- oh no! My scars did they see them?!' You panicked and covered your arms with the thin blanket on the hospital bed and you heard the heart monitor beep slightly faster.

"(Y/ n) are you okay?" May-rin asked sweetly and Finnian was sitting there listening while Baldroy continued to stare which made you uncomfortable. ' stop fricking staring at me Bard I have Sebastian,' you thought to yourself as their was silence.

Sebastian P.O.V

We were called upon by Ash, the queens butler. He was so irritating I couldn't stand him but he wished to speak about a new crime going on.

"The queen is asking you to travel to a town a little further in the country to turn it into her majestys own private resort," the bastard said to the young master.

"What town?" Master Ciel asked with his blank expression and voice as always.

"The village Houndsworth, her majesty wishes for her loyal guard dog to see if a legend is true or not," Ash explained. I couldn't help but glare at him.

"What legend would that be?" I said this time getting quickly fed up with his vague explanation.

"The legend of the demon hound of course, you will find out when you reach the village. I hope that will give you inspiration to go," the white haired man said, his white suit almost making him binding to look at.

"Of course anything for her majesty, we will leave as soon as possible," the young earl said and turned to join the others. Ash led us back to (y/n)'s hospital room and after he opened the door he apologized and left.

Your P.O.V

Finally the door opened and unveiled the white suited man but when you got a good look at what he was wearing and his hair color you froze. Fear ran through your veins and you found yourself not being able to breathe. Again. After the man had left the heart monitor beeped faster as you couldn't breathe. Then the nightmare memory came flooding to your mind and the screams were louder and the voice clear as day. You closed your eyes as the dying screams of your mother and father grew louder. Clutching your head you curled up into a ball as pain seared your body again. All the bad memories playing all at once, the pain was too much to handle and you spit up a hot red liquid. Sebastian ran next to you as May-rin screamed, bard ran to get a nurse, and Finny frantically ran around  trying to 'help'. Ciel stepped back and was incredibly shocked by what he just saw. Sebastian wrapped his arms around you and cradled you slowly and gently. You let tears escape your eyes as you listened to the sound of his heart beat.

The heart monitor had slowed and the screams of both memories and May-rin died down. Bard came running back into the room with a doctor but saw everything was okay. The doctor insisted he take a look and see what was wrong and why this was happening.

==== TIME LAPSE ========

After the examination the doctor came with the conclusion that it was caused by trauma and that there was no known cure for it.

The doctor finished and left. Sebastian continued to cradle you till almost every muscle in your body was relaxed.

###########TIME LAPSE##########

It was dark outside and the servants went back to the manor with Ciel but Sebastian was given permission to stay. You knew that memory was going to return when you closed your eyes but Sebastian lied in the bed with you in till you fell asleep.

(Authors note) Hey everyone thank you so much for keeping up with the story and just to let you all know the disorder you now have in the story is posttraumatic stress disorder and it is basically a anxiety disorder so just wanted to fill you in! THANKS FOR READING!!!!!

CC out /\__/\

            |=_=|    ~ <3

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