Chapter 3, the job

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' great' you thought to yourself as the servants crowded around you making you feel self conscious.

                "Where are you from?!" Asked the May-rin.

                 "I am from the Gaimber estate," you said looking at the maid that was listening intently.

                 "The Gaimber estate?" Sebastian asked and looked at you.

                 "Yes, it wasn't the best place or anything but I had nowhere else to go so I-" you were suddenly interrupted by a yell from upstairs.

                  "SEBASTIAN!!!!!!!!!!" The young earl shouted and Sebastian excused himself from us and walked off to see what was the matter.

                    "So __________ what's it like at the Gaimber estate?" Baldroy asked questionably and looked at you up and down with concern in his eyes.

                "It isn't the best place in the world I'm sure there must be worse places, but I would rather be on the street than be there," you said looking at the floor, "Mister Gaimber always is in his study and if we ever did anything out of line or said anything at all he would-," you started to say but stoped. You couldn't say this to them they would do something or act out. 'I will keep this to myself I can't bring myself to tell them' you said to yourself again then there was a loud crash and a dust gray blur came and tackled you knocking the wind out of you. Sebastian came down the stairs and Finnian had lifted the bear sized beast off of you and Sebastian helped you up with one arm on yours and the other on your back as Baldroy held the other arm.

                    "Are you alright m'lady?" Asked Sebastian and May-rin came rushing to help Finnian put the hound out side. "Please forgive Pluto he isn't used to having new people around the mansion," Sebastian said apologizing for what had just happened.

                         "Its.quite.alright," you said trying to catch your breath and stood up straight as the two men let you go and

May-rin ran back adjusting her glasses.

               "May-rin, please take miss _________ to your room and get her settled in," Sebastian ordered, "and you miss __________ after you get cleaned up, meet me in the dining room for a lesson on being a Phantomhive maid," he said as May-rin led you off down a narrow staircase and opening a door at the bottom of the passage way. Both of you walked through to a small yet decent room for two people and there was already a bed there waiting for you. You placed your bag down on the small bed and opened it to find a dress to wear after you bathed. You looked up and saw May-rin holding a uniform like her own out to you.

               "Thank you May-rin," you said and picked out your favorite black ribbon to match the flats she had given you.

                       "Your welcome, you know it's funny we had all discussed with the young master just last night that we needed another maid since I am clumsy and break everything," she had explained, "and here you are the next day," she added. You smiled she reminded you of Bella. Bella after all was your only true friend that had helped you after what happened while you were at the Gaimber estate.

           "And here I am," you said to her she smiled and went off to tend to the manor.

----------------time lapse------------------

You had bathed and dressed in dark tights, a navy and white uniform, with a black ribbon that tied up your (h/c) hair. You walked out to see all of your dresses put away in the small wardrobe across from your bed and the suitcase placed under your bed. ' May-rin must have put these away for me, I will have to thank her later' you thought and made your way up the stairs to put your black and red dress in the laundry room for you to wash later. You made your way across the large welcoming room to the other side of the mansion where you expected the dining room to be. You were right the first door you opened led to a incredibly large dining room with a long table in the center with beautiful flower arrangements perfectly spaced out around the table. There you saw Sebastian looking as perfect as ever in his black tail coat and pale skin.

                  "Hello Ms._________," he welcomed and smiled, "I assume you are ready to begin?" He asked. 'Will this be anything like the Gaimber estate? Will I be treated the same? I hope not' questions raced through your mind and you got a headache but afraid to say or do anything you stood there and answered with a quiet 'yes Sebastian'.

                        "Well then let us begin, first I will teach you what we strive for here at Phantomhive manor," he began, "first we have a duty to the Phantomhive name to protect the manor and keep the young master safe so we have every servant pick a small weapon to carry for quick defence against anyone who may try to put an end to the young masters life," he stated as he walked down to the opposite side of the table where there were an assortment of firearms, blades, and other things that you knew had to be dangerous. "Pick one," he told you and being obedient you chose a gun and a box of bullets. "How fast can you load an empty gun?" Sebastian asked now standing right next to you, so close you could feel his body heat but it sent chills down your spine. You put the gun down and within two seconds the gun was loaded and aimed at a small flower print on the wall. "Very good, now how well is your aim?" He said

(Authors note) Hey everyone here is my new chapter I will share with you how you were treated in the next chapter I promise and PLEASE no hateful comments I'm still new at this but THANK YOU FOR READING! Bye!!

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