chapter 9 dream or reality?

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You could feel a cool breeze and smell sweet flowers. You didn't have a worry in the world, no pain, no sadness. You just laid there motionless and birds sing a lulling tune. It was relaxing, the sound, smell, everything. You didn't want to move but you opened your eyes and saw a beautiful blue sky and a few wispy clouds. There wasn't a tree for miles just a meadow that seemed to go on forever. You looked to your side and saw white, black, and red rose petals all around you and a single blue butterfly.

After what felt like an hour you decide you need to stand up and walk seeing as you had no idea where you were. You looked down and saw the most beautiful dress you have ever seen. A white strapless ball gown and black lace around the skirt with a black ribbon tying the snow white corset in place. You had no shoes just your bare feet against the smooth, green grass.

' Where in the world could I possibly be? Where is Sebastian or Ciel? Or May-rin at least,' you thought to your self a small black bunny came racing around and stoped in front of you. It sat on its hind legs and looked at you with a pleading expression, it's small ears pulled down as it looked at you. You knelt down to let the small creature and pet it's head but right as you touched its soft, sleek fur it jumped into your lap and made itself comfortable in your skirt. Of course you couldn't leave it there you cared to much for the small bunny and it looked like it was to young to be out there alone so you held it and continued with trying to find another person.

Suddenly the bunny squirmed its way out of your arms but then changed into something else. A black panther. It crouched down low and had a deadly look in its purple eyes. ' It's going to kill me now isn't it?!' You were scared to death and you couldn't move. The panther was about to jump but you ducked and ran away as fast as you could. Your dress was bunched in your hands and your feet stung as they slapped the ground. The sky slowly changed to night time and trees appeared out of the ground. The panther was getting harder to see but you could hear it so you kept running. You ran but the grass was different, it was a dark purple and was growing up your legs preventing you from running. The panther was not heard or seen so you tried to get away from the vines that used to be grass.

"Get her in a room now! We need to assess the situation!" A voice yelled.

"Yes right away doctor!" Another voice cried.

"If she doesn't live to see another day so help me I will kill every last one of you!" A familiar voice yelled, Ciel.

' Where are you Ciel and where is Sebastian? Where am I?! What is going on?!' You panicked not knowing what to do. It felt like an eternity fighting this vine trapping you. When you finally broke free you continued to run but the sight in front of you was so horrific you went numb. The man in the white suit standing in front of you parents dead bodies when you were only 7. The blood everywhere but not a stain on his tail coat. 'the impure shall perish and only light shall be left' echoed around and you saw the revolver in his hand as he pulled the trigger and finished your screaming mother and father.

You woke up sweaty and attached to a bunch of machines and heard a fast beeping sound. You were already sitting up from your nightmare and saw Ciel sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. He was asleep with his head propped up on his hand. Sebastian was no where to be found. The large room was very white and smelled sterile. A young woman came running in and tried to get you to lay back down.

You quickly realized you were in a hospital and something had happened but you couldn't remember what.

"Miss, please you must lie down and rest," she tried to tell you. Ciel woke up and was shocked to see you awake and with a nurse.

Sebastian walked into the hospital room and practically ran to you wrapping his arms around you. His warm presence was relaxing and calmed you down quickly. The nurse after persuading you to lie down had left and Ciel was still surprised. Sebastian kissed you on the forehead and sat in a chair next to the hospital bed.

Sebastian stared at you and held your hand.

After a little while Sebastian left for an unknown reason and left you alone with Ciel.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again

(y/n)," Ciel said sitting in his armchair. After a minute he stood up and have you a hug which surprised you greatly you couldn't think.

"Yes master," you said then he stood up straight and sat back down in his chair.

The door swung open and a clumsy maid, a pyromaniac of a chef, and an extremely strong gardener came running in and practically tackled you but were quickly shoved off by Sebastian and scolded.

"Miss (y/n) tell us what happened to you at the ball that made you have a fit?" May-rin asked as Bard and Finny pulled up some chairs. You didn't know were to begin because you could barely remember what happened.

"Well I'm not entirely sure on that," you answered trying to think back to what happened. 'The young master and the servants all went to a ball at the.... where again? Oh the Trancy manor and met the butler Claude and then when he asked to take my shawl Sebastian stepped up because it was covering my scars from the beatings. Then what happened? Sebastian and I danced and I went to find the bathroom to wash up' you thought for a moment and could hear the servants talking but you weren't listening. 'I remember now I saw a blonde haired boy kick a servant and then I saw mister Gaimber kicking me that's when I threw up blood and Claude came and led me back to the party but before I could go in he kissed me then I punched him and got away. I ran into Elizabeth and she ran and got Sebastian. Ciel rallied up the Servants and I was left on the steps for Sebastian to bring around the carriage. But then I saw the Blondie and he was trying to talk to me but what else happened? I know that's not it! Why can't I remember?!' You were very frustrated and you were thinking so hard your head hurt.

You snapped out of your little trance and saw the door open to reveal a handsome man with white hair and suit with a sword at his side. He was very decorated with what looked like military rankings. He came in and wished to talk to Ciel and Sebastian went with him.

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