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same day, early morning

2:23 AM

fries: guys

owlwo: ommggmmgmgm hiiiii

owlwo: ᕙ('▿')ᕗ

tank:             owo

kru: yes, dear tall, blond, salty, fry?

fries: the bet

fries: like, THE bet is ending 

fries: today

fries: right

fries: ?

tank: asdfaksjdfklasd idk 

kru: .....

kru: bokuto?

owlwo is now offline

kru: i declare that it is over

driedoutsadee: wait really? 

driedoutsadee: i haven't talked to suga in so long

driedoutsadee: he is going to kill me when he finds out why 

driesoutsadee: shit

shitaaaa is now online

fries: this means that you, kuroo, owe me like five bucks or smth now

kru: mhm that's nothing 

shitaaaa: since im broke i don't do these bets

kru: im sorry dude but you're also lonely

fries:  who would you even subject to the torture our [mainly love interests but not really because it'll never happen because all of us suck] have to endure because of our chaotic and horribly large egos? 

fries is now offline

tiNy is now online

tiNy: wtf

shitaaaa: offended im sleeping

shitaaaa is now offline

kru: damn

tank: we're just that amazing



tiNy: what

tank: what??

kru: just

kru: no

driedoutsadee: since im talking to suga tomorrow, im going to sleep

driedoutsadee: sleep children

driesoutsadee is now offline

kru: lets sleep

kru: also, i am NOT a child

tank: sure you aren't

tiNy: psh

kru: i swear on grass, i will eat you alive the next time i see you

tiNy: which one?

tiNy: hehe

tiNy is now offline

tank: tehehe

tank is now offline

kru: i am 

kru: frustrated

kru is now offline


also thank you so much for the support!! yesterday i finally opened the wattpad account again

and saw the 85 notifications and i was very MMMMMH

love you! kisses <3

probably should have added this before chap 21 (#letsmoveaway)

but that chap barely mattered cuz it was so short anyway LMAOO

im so sorry this is only 243 words but I PROMISE i will get an actual good chap

out on april 7th!!

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