#where gcu is interviewed (not really)

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Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club


Hinata: I have to leave club early today

Kageyama: Why?? We usually practice for longer on Thursdays

Hinata: Something came up

Daichi: I have something too and will be out for the entire evening 

Tsukishima: Oh what a coincidence I have something to!!

Yamaguchi: You never told me about anything, Tsukki.

Tsukishima: I don't tell you everything. 

Tanaka: I have to go home early too.

Nishinoya: Why are you guys all leaving?? 

Kageyama: I OBJECT

Sugawara: shush

Sugawara: It's fine, I'll be overseeing practice today. 


Thursday 11:23 AM

gcu: hi

oikawaa is now active


gcu: hi??

oikawaa: im oikawa! 

gcu: i know, i read the past convo's oikawa-san

oikawaa: oh. well welcome to the #prettysettersquad!!

gcu: but im not a setter??

oikawaa: its fine 

oikawaa: you'll always be a setter in my heart <3

milks is now active

milks: oh shut up oikawa

gcu: hello kageyama :DDD

milks: hey

sira is now active

sira:  awkward silenceEEE

oikawaa: yea this is to awkward for our own good

gcu: i still dont know why i was added

milks: you'll make tsukishima jealous

gcu: why would he become jealous 

gcu: he literally couldnt care less about me

milks: sure

gcu: no seriously he hasnt even saved my number yet

oikawaa: woah that's kinda harsh 

oikawaa: i should ask iwaizumi to beat him

gcu: either way, do you guys know why half of karasuno's team is literally not going to be here for practice??? and does it have something to do with #stupiddboYZ ??

milks: yeah, hinata blew me off today :(

oikawaa: iwaizumi and matsukawa said in our stupid volleyball gc that they wouldnt be at practice today

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