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a closet is more than just a closet. it can be many things to someone, especially to someone who questions things. and when someone who tends to question a lot of things gets around to touching the topic of anything sexual, the closet matters a lot. its a safe place, you see, a place to comfort one. 

but, sometimes, closets suck. 


oikawa's eyes widened, feeling intimidated by someone who was shorter than him. 

"hey there," he said awkwardly, pressing himself against the door harder. the door, for some reason, was painted a dark green. 

iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. "what's wrong?" 

"shouldn't i be the one asking you that?" 

oikawa's nerves seemed to suddenly wash away, replaced with annoyance and slight anger. he stood up straighter, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes. he still felt small in his gaze.

iwaizumi shrugged, leaning casually against the cream colored walls, careful not to bother anything on the shelves next to him.  

oikawa scoffed, walking over to a stool and sitting himself down. iwaizumi followed his movements, soaking in the joy of finally being in the presence of his best friend.

spreading his legs, he looked up at his so-called best friend, searching for an answer. his eyes dug holes into iwaizumi's soul,  challenging him to come up with an excuse. 

"it was a dare, okay?" he paused, while oikawa become agitated. "more like a bet," he said under his breath, deep in thought. 

oikawa gripped the edge of the stool, gritting his teeth. 

"you ignored me for a dare? that's your excuse? i didn't come to school for more then a week and you obviously didn't give a fuck and that's your excuse? a dare? a bet?" he said, on the verge of chucking something at his head.

 iwaizumi was stunned, especially since oikawa had never got mad at pranks. annoyed, sure, but not mad. never this mad. he's poured ice cold water on oikawa for a dare, filled his cake with sourcream, even kissed a girl to try and make him jealous. but never had he seen him this mad, this angry at him

oikawa got up, stalking closer to him. 

"friends don't ignore each other, iwaizumi," he said, eye level with him. 

iwaizumi sighed, looking at him longingly. he reached up to brush a stray strand of hair away from his face, his hand touching his forehead for a split second. he felt the heat and he couldn't ignore it. 

he pushed himself back up from the wall, scrunching his nose up as he examined oikawa's face. stepping closer to him, oikawa stepped backwards, panicking. he soon hit the door again, panicking yet again as he madly searched for a way to get away from his best friend. 

"you're hot."


hi hi hi im sorry for not updating earlier but i hope this meets your expectations!!

also voting/commenting gives me life and makes me

 actually want to continue working on this 

so vote/comment?? please??

well.... hoped you enjoy another chapter of oikawa panicking! 

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