Chapter 12

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May 7th, 2021
Words: 2188♥︎


You grabbed your diary and you went straight to writing.

March 7th 2021

Dear diary

It's been a month now with Ethan, things have been pretty good so far other then covid hitting. I'm scared though that once all this covid stuff goes away that Ethan will be tired of me..I don't know though it's probably me just overthinking right? Right. Anyways we're thinking about letting clay and ethan move in completely. They fit in so perfectly and them here feels right in a way, but they're still deciding. Hopefully they say yes because I don't want them leaving yet. Things have been pretty smooth though other than all that. We've found so many things to do and to pass time it's actually pretty fun. Anyways that's all for today I should be getting ready anyways the boys have a surprise but of course they won't tell me as usual.


You placed your diary back in its place and got up from your bean bag. You went straight to Your closet and picked out an outfit to wear. You changed quickly into the black crop top looking shirt, the plaid lengthy skirt, a pair of ripped fishnets, some jewelry, and a shirt like jacket over it all. You looked in the mirror twirling around slowly. You smiled at your self and your outfit. Its one of your favorite outfits you've came up with in a while. You walked over to your table and grabbed your phone, putting your password in you went straight to twitter and scrolled through a few tweets liking the fanarts you saw. You smiled at the fanarts of you and Ethan liking them and sending them to him as well. You laughed at his response "those are really cute your fans are amazing drawers <3" you read his text out loud quietly and giggled texting him back "your fans are just as amazing and talented <3" you smiled turning your phone off going out the bedroom door heading downstairs. you saw the boys all on the couch on their phones. none of them noticed you so you snuck up on them, slowly you crept up to the couch crouching slightly and jumped up yelling at them. You started wheezing as they all fell of the couch soon enough they joined in on the wheezing, after a bit you calmed down and sat down on the couch beside ethan. "so what may we be doing today?" you looked at everyone while saying that with a small smile on your face. "We're thinking about going on a little picnic out back since we cant leave." looking at clay as he said that you nodded and snuggled into Ethan a little. "When are we going out there then?" You said smiling. "after we get the last few things we need, George made us all food already and ethan got drinks and I just need to get a blanket and a thing to carry everything then we can go out." You nodded at clay as he said that and got up slowly. Tugging at ethans hand he got up as well and you both headed out towards the back door. You made you way to the little pool y'all had and sad down on the edge patting the spot beside you for ethan. He sat down and you laid your head on his shoulder gently and looked off into the view.

Sapnaps POV

You sat down next to y/n, smiling at her as she was staring off at the beautiful nature around us. It was amazing out the view, the weather, just everything was, but there's was someone so much more amazing, beautiful, and so many other things sitting beside me. I put my arms around y/n and pulled them into my chest gently. Holding her close I kissed her forehead softly and saw a small smile form on her face. Her smile only caused me to smile as well. 'She really is beautiful you thought to yourself. You sat there and admired everything. You liked life how it was. You were with your 3 best friends, you were doing amazing in the whole streaming thing, you had amazing supporters, and you had y/n. She meant everything to you. You thought about the offer George gave Clay and you, you really wanted to live with them all they meant the world to you. You looked down at y/n and smiled. "You know that offer George had given clay and me?" You said "yeah I do" said y/n softly. "I'm gonna do it..I'm gonna move in with y'all. I'm happy here, with you and both of those crack heads" you said which made y/n and you laugh a little. She turned around and hugged you gently. "thank you" she whispered to you. "for what darling?" You said looking down at her. She rested her head on your shoulder and buried her face into the crook of your neck. "for everything, for walking into my life, for making me feel better, for being there for me from the day I first met you, thank you for loving me, for caring about me, and thank you always being there for George as well.. Life was never easy for him nor me but you and clay came stumbling in our lifes randomly and changed everything for the better so thank you.." she said as a little tear fell down her cheek. You pulled her closer and held her close. " You don't ever have to thank me about anything, I'm glad I'm with you and that you allowed me into your life...I love you y/n and I always will so thank you for showing me that I can love someone.." You said with a faint smile. You two were huddled up close in each other's arms as both clay and George came out with the stuff for the picnic. "hey love birds come eat" said Clay teasingly. You both laughed and got up.

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