Chapter 2.

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(A/n)Hey guys how is everyone hope you're all good and stuff. If you need anything I'm here for you alll.
Y/ns POV.
You woke up to a loud noise. Getting up quickly from being startled you walked to your door opening it as you walked out of your room walking to the kitchen trying to find what that noise was. You looked around to see George and Clay standing in the kitchen. George was cooking and clay was hugging him from behind. You smiled at the sight and sat down at the bar table. You coughed a-little to get the boys attention. They both jumped a-little causing you to start wheezing. They soon started to join in on the laughing. You all got done with y'all's little laugh fit. "So Ethans flight will be landing in 2 hours so we have to go get him at the airport but for now what do y'all two wanna do" said George looking at both of you. You and clay looked at each other giving each other a smug look. You both knew exactly what was about to come out of yalls mouths. "MINECRAFT" you both yelled causing George to jump. George jumping only caused Clay and you to go into another laughing fit which only caused George to go into one as well. You all calmed down and nodded knowing exactly what to do. Clay and George walked to the George's room grabbing their computers. You got up walking off to your room stopping to pet mocha the puppy clay got you and George for Christmas last year. Clays been in George's and your life for almost 10 years. Y'all have a bunch of good memories together and honestly you can't wait for the ones ahead of you. You picked mocha up as you smiled down at her. You walked to your room and sat down in your chair and loaded up your pc. "IMMA STREAM!" You yelled to the both of them. "OKAY WE WILL TOO" they both yelled back to you. You loaded up to twitch and went and got ready quickly. You tweeted out that you were going live real quick and as did the boys. You pulled twitch back up and pressed go live. You didnt do the whole face cam thing and didn't show your face which your supporters were 100% supportive on that. You sat there reading chat for a few minutes waiting for the notification of clay and George to go live. After it went out you pulled Minecraft up. You joined the smp and and was instantly greeted to George's character hitting you. With out even thinking you pulled your enchanted diamond sword out and started killing George. Clay instantly teamed up with George but you still defeated them both with out even trying. You laughed it off and gave them their stuff back. You all went your ways and played for the next 2 hours almost. You realized it was almost time to leave so you texted clay and George. You all said good bye to your stream and ended it quickly. You all got ready to leave and walked out the door. George drove to the airport while you had aux. you played heat waves and clays new song most of the ride then finally the last song was "I wanna see some ass" you all jammed out till finally George got a text.
George's POV
We all jammed out to clays New song, heat waves, and I wanna see some ass. After that we got to the airport right as my phone buzzed.

My plane just landed ill be out soon

Okay we just got here so take your time we'll be waiting by the little cafe

Alright I'm heading over there now

I turned my phone off and waiting till Ethan finally showed up. Clay and I jumped him with hugs and y/n just stood there awkwardly.
Y/ns POV
you watched as the brown haired male walked up to George and clay giving them a hug. You admired his beauty and smiled slightly waving. You didn't know the male but you did know he had perfect milky chocolate eyes and a perfect chiseled jawline. Before you could realize it you practically drooling over him. You shook your head snapping back into reality. You walked up slowly to the male and held your hand out. He gently grabbed it kissing it softly. "A gentleman too perfect" you thought to your self. You smiled up at him and introduced yourself as George's little sister. "I've heard a lot about you from both of those dorks" Ethan said looking down at you. You giggled quietly and nodded. "oh I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself" Ethan said with a smile. He introduced himself and you started to realize y'all had a lot in common. Your music taste was perfectly matched. You both loved dogs and pandas. You were both huge Minecraft fans, and you both loved Greek mythology. You all started walking to the car after that little moment. The whole time you couldn't keep your eyes off Ethan. " hes perfect in every way. From his dark gorgeous brown hair all the way down to his feet. He had the most perfect eyes and his smile. Omg his smile was so admiring. Omg y/n you don't even know the guy stop itt." your thoughts were everywhere but eventually you snapped out of it after climbing into the back of the car. Ethan sat beside you because clay was up front with George. You asked for the aux again and they handed it to you. You played "I wanna see some ass" Again which obviously Ethan knew and you could tell by the way he smiled when the beat came on. You all sung along but you stopped after a while and focused on Ethan's singing. "it's so peaceful and he rally knows how to sing" You sighed quietly but enough to where no one could hear. You continued to sing along as George drove back to the house.
Ethan's POV (finally)
You walked up to the Girl behind George and clay after giving them their hugs. She was gorgeous her amazing y/h/c was so soft looking, her y/e/c was so beautiful and unique. You didn't think anyone could be so beautiful but her she was gorgeous. She was so short as well. You smiled down at her and greeted her and everything. You realized y'all had a lot in common it made everything better. After a few minutes y'all started to walk to the car. You could see her staring which only made you blush alittle. Y'all got in the car and you sat beside y/n. She asked for the aux and played one of your favorite songs. You all singed and stuff smiling and talking. After a while George finally pulled up to his house.

(A/n) HEY GUYYYS sorry to cut y'all off right here but imma end it here because I'm tired and stuff and I've wrote a lot already. Thank you all for the support. Next chapter will be soon hopefully. Mwah much love and I hope you all enjoyed this because I obviously enjoyed writing it.

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