Chapter 7

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March 16th, 2021
He was worth the fight..
[TW mention of blood, self harm, mentiom of abuse, and break downs]

Ethan's POV
After a few hours y'all had spotted two men one the size of George the other the size of Daniel. One of them was on the ground hugging themselves the other was standing up still kicking the other. Clay ran over there angry but stopped in his tracks you looked confused so you ran over as well only to stop. You were surprised by the view. It was...
It was George over Daniel. You and clay cheered him on then soon had to stop George before he killed the guy.
Y/n Pov
You woke up to yet another nightmare but this time it was far worse. You looked around to see no one around you called out for the boys your voice breaking a little. You realized no one was there . You hugged yourself tightly pulling your knees to your chest curling up to the wall holding on to yourself . You felt tears start to glide down your cheek soon after your breathing got worse by the second. Your mind raced with thoughts that only made it worse. It felt like you had finally broke into a million of pieces. Every single one of them being a whole different problem. You looked around wanting to ease the pain and saw something shiny that caught your eyes. You knew if you did it George would be disappointed but honestly you didn't care anymore. You felt alone more alone then you've ever felt. [⚠️MASSIVE TW AHEAD (self harm)READ WITH CAUTION ⚠️] you grabbed the blade gently and pulled up your sleeve after a few minutes passed you finally slid the blade against your skin. It ripped open with little blood drops forming slowly. You closed your eyes as the flashbacks started pouring in.
• Flash back •
You ran down the hallways trying to get away from you slipped under the steps into a tiny hole you watched as the male ran by. You hugged yourself hopping it would all just go away but it didn't it never did..each time your dad got drunk he'd hurt your mom , george, and you. It was a living nightmare to you. You held your knees close to your chest trying to stay calm but it didn't help. You could hear your mom's and brother yelps of pain which only caused you to break even more. Your eyes started to drown from the tears. You looked around and found a small shiny object and did what you could only think of doing.
• End of  flashback •
You sat there the blade eating at your flesh each cut getting deeper and deeper till finally you got light headed and passed out.
Ethan's POV
Both you and clay got George off of Daniel bringing George home. You got home clay and George going up to George's room to clean up the blood. You headed to y/ns room knocking on the door gently. No answer, you walked in to her curled up on her side hugging her self her shirt was drenched in her tears. You could tell she had been crying so you walked over but stopped in your tracks when you saw what was beside her. The blade she used laid there beside her. You rushed over to her and saw her sleeves were alittle bloody. You teared up a bit but wiped them away quickly and sat beside her laying her head in your lap gently playing with her hair. You stayed like that for a good hour or two till clay came in. When he saw the view he mouthed and asked what happened. You looked over to the blade that was now on her dresser holding back the tears. Clay realized what happened and had a concerning face now. You mouthed to him that youll talk to her when she got up so he nodded and walked out slowly. You stayed playing with her hair for the next hour or two till y/n finally woke up. She looked confused but soon remembered what happened which caused her to jump up. You pulled her close hugging her gently making sure not to hurt her. She sat there crying in your arms for a good 10 minutes then decided to tell you what happened. You felt guilty for leaving her alone and was furious at her father and ex for what they put her through. You stayed hugging her for a good 20 minutes till she decided she was ready to get up.
Y/ns POV
You got up slowly and shifted towards the Bathroom. You walked in closing the door behind you. You did your little routine and wrapped your arm up. You walked out after a few minutes and grabbed some clothes that were left out on your bed from Ethan. You walked back in and changed into the familiar shorts and shirt but the hoodie you've never seen before. You shrugged it off and put it on smiling at the warmth and comfy fabric. You got out and walked out to the living room scared to face your brother. You walked in to see him and clay on the couch. You slowly walked to the kitchen and made something small to eat as George came over and hugged you. "I'm sorry.." he said quietly. You hugged him back tightly as you both just eventually broke down and stayed there for a few minutes crying your eyes out. You hugged him tighter and sighed quietly. "dont be sorry Gogy.." You gave him a small smile while saying that. He smiled back and y'all wiped your eyes and smiled. You made everyone breakfast sitting down at the table with everyone when it was done. Shortly after a while of laughs and giggles you all decided it was a good day to go out and go shopping. Clay and George ran up to their room and got ready you and Ethan walked up to your room to get ready as well. After a short while of everyone doing their own thing you all met up outside near the car. Clay was in his green hoodie and black jeans as usual. George in his blue sweatshirt and greyish jeans as well. Ethan was in a black and white hoodie and black pants. You were in Ethan's Grey hoodie and a pair of Blue jeans. You all got in the car George driving, clay beside him in the passenger seat, ethan in the back behind George , and you in the back beside Ethan and behind Clay. You called aux so you put your Spotify play list on which had almost all the dream smp dedicated songs on there. You all jammed out and spent the day at the mall. You got a bunch of new tops, hoodies, and stuff animals. Ethan got a bunch of new clothes as well and got some related things to Minecraft fire. Clay had gotten a few new hoodies and some stuff for patches (btw patches is with y'all atm). George got a few clothes, hoodies, and some cute things for clay. After that y'all went to get something to eat. You all decided on McDonald's since it was close. You got your happy meal while the others got their meals. You played With the little toy you got like a 5 year old. The whole time Ethan was laughing at you for it. Y'all finally decided it was time to go so that was what y'all did. You got home and everyone went up to their rooms exhausted. You changed in the bathroom into a pair of shorts and a tanktop. You laid on your bed passing out instantly from the tiredness. Ethan came in and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and laid beside you. After a while be took his shirt off to get more comfy and pulled you onto him gently making sure not to hurt your arm. After a while you were both fast asleep cuddled up close. What you didn't realize tho was clay and George were still up. They walked into you two cuddling and asleep and took a few pictures before heading off to their room and heading to sleep. You slept close to Ethan and that was how the night ended.

A/N Words : 1500
Honestly this chapter was something else. Sorry for the things that might trigger you I wanted to give this chapter some background about her family or more specifically her dad which caused the whole thing. I'm sorry if this trigger you but I did put a warning :( anyways I love you all so much eat and stay hydrated! Also thank you for 937 reads means a lot and heyyy were close to 1K! Anyways love yalll have a good day and remember you're loved and awesome never forget that loves!

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