Chapter 3.

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Y/ns POV
George finally arrived home pulling into the drive way. You all unbuckled and got out. You helped everyone grab Ethans stuff and you all headed for the door. George finally unlocked it and walked in with clay behind him, Ethan walking in behind clay and you being last to go in. You closed the door gently and watched as Ethan looked around amazing at everything. You weren't used to new people coming over so it was weird At first to see someone admiring the house. You brushed it off as you looked over to George. "Let's get our sleeping arrangement together." Said George quietly. You all sat on the couch clay beside George and Ethan beside you. The feeling of Ethan close to you was making your cheeks heat up alittle. You tried your best to ignore it so you could listen to George talk. "Clay will obviously be sleeping in my room with me. Ethan you'll be on the pull out couch in y/ns room if that's okay. If not you can sleep in here but I know the pullout couch is comfortable unlike this couch."said George as he patted the couch we were all on. Ethan nodded gently and gave him a little "it's okay" it took you a few minutes to realize you'd be sharing a room for a whole months. You jumped up telling everyone you'd be right back. You ran to your room quickly and steadily making sure not to trip. You got to your door and opened it gently but quickly. You looked around at the dirty room cursing under your breath at yourself for how dirty it was. You quickly got to cleaning making sure to organize your clothes and make it at least presentable. You got done after 10 minutes and walked back out taking a breath. You walked back down stairs to see everyone laughing and talking. You walked to the kitchen quietly to see what there was to drink. You pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and as you stood back up you got startled by the tall male in front of you. You looked up to see Ethan causing You to jump back alittle almost dropping your water. He looked at you chuckling quietly. "You okay pumpkin?" said Ethan with a smile. Your face heated up a bit because of the nickname "pumpkin? I barely just met him and he's already got a nickname for me wow atleast it's cute" you thought to yourself. You realized you bad spaced out for a second. You looked up at him and nodded gently. "Yeah I'm okay just startled me." You said to him quietly. You looked up and both of your eyes met causing both of you too smile and quickly look down. He chuckled alittle while rubbing the back of his neck. Your smile grew a bit hearing his laugh. His laugh gave you butterflies. You loved the feeling and honestly wished it stayed. "Imma um head to my room if you want you can bring your stuff up real quick make it easier for you" while saying that you looked up at him. "uh yeah that'd be a good idea" he said with a small smile. You both walked to the living room where his stuff was. When you walked in you saw George and clay both passed out on the couch cuddled up to each other. You smiled and laughed quietly as you grabbed nicks things him also doing the same. " ya know they've been friends for almost 11 years and been dating for 3 it warms my heart to know they're happy ya know?" You looked at Ethan while saying that. " yeah and I'm glad they've got such supportive friends, family, and viewers" he said while grabbing his stuff. You sighed quietly but enough for him to hear. "everything alright pumpkin?" Said Ethan with a concerning face. "Our family isn't very supportive of George and clays relationship . Nor what we all do for a living. It's why we live here alone. It's also one of the reasons we are so grateful for our viewers and all the love and support they give us. Theyre like the family we've never had pretty much." You said looking over at Ethan. He walked over and gave you a tight but gentle hug. You hugged him back closing your eyes letting out the breath you've been holding in. You relaxed into his hug and a small smile appeared from the both of you. You felt close to Ethan already like you could just talk to him about anything and everything. It felt nice having another person to be close with. Y'all were still hugging for a few minutes when you looked up at him. "wanna go to our room now and put your things away?" You said looking up at him. He nodded as you both let go and started walking to yalls room. You opened the door and walked in slowly hoping everything was cleaned enough to Ethans liking. You sat down on your bed criss cross after putting things down near the little couch Ethan would be sleeping on.
You hugged y/n after she told you about her life. You felt bad because her own family disowned them pretty much. You kept her close feeling her relax after a few seconds which caused you to smile alittle. After the hug y'all both went up to her room which she just called our room. It gave you butterflies hearing her say that. After everything you walked up to the room and let her in first of course. You walked in and looked around then looked over at her set up.

"She really is a gamer girl

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"She really is a gamer girl. It's cute" you said thinking to yourself. You sat down on the couch and looked over at y/n. She was sitting on her bed scrolling through her phone. It was cute to you. She was just cute to you in general. You sat back and yawned quietly. Y/n looked over at you and turned her phone off. "So wanna unpack or watch a movie?" Said y/n with a small smile. "Let's watch a movie if that's okay." You said to her smiling. Y/n curled up to the corner of her bed and patted the spot beside her. You got up and sat down beside her. She put on hxh and curled up to My chest and watched it. You didn't mind her laying there so you just smiled down at her and watched it as well.

1238 words total 😃
A/ns hey guys sorry to end here but I'm losing wifi every once in a while so imma post it and stop here. Next chapter will be in the next few days hopefully. Anyways imma put the date of when I finish these so y'all are up to date and know when I last posted. 2/13/21 the day before valentines 😃 Heh I have no valentines I'm lonely 🥲🤚 LOL anyways have a good day next chapter will be out soon love you all and remember to eat and stay hydrated and STAY SAFEEE💗
(this was much longer but I accidentally pasted something else while trying to copy it and I had to rewrite it all which I forgot most of what I put soo yeah 😭😂)

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