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"The criminal organization known as LAF is targeting captain vasant, one of our military liaisons." the major informed sam.

sam and jaclyn were currently on a mission, though only sam was actually going to be flying it. jaclyn was sitting it out for today as she wasn't very good at continuous flying during fights.

"LAF?" sam questions, him and jaclyn each securing their ear pieces.

"yeah, they're high-powered. we lost contact with vasant's plane just after it took off." he explains. "we need you to make sure that LAF doesn't deliver on their threat."

"vasant's plane has already entered Tunisian airspace." jaclyn tells sam, glancing at the monitor. he nods slightly and began walking towards the door.

"US military cannot be seen operating out there." the major says seriously.

"i got it." sam assures them. "you guys fly low, drop me off and I fly up to intercept." he instructs, yelling slightly to be heard over the wind coming through the now open doors. "no treaties violated."

"first lieutenant torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." the major explains.

"and sam," jaclyn adds. "this has to be subtle." she reminds him, making a small smile grow on his face.

"subtle, got it." sam nods, before back diving out of the plane.

jaclyn walked to the edge of the the opening in the plane, glancing around at the ground to spot torres. she smiled slightly, finally finding him and looked back to the major.

"I'm gonna join them on the ground." she informs him quickly before hoping out of the plane without waiting for a response.

she let herself free fall for most of the drop, enjoying the freedom of the wind rushing through her hair. as she got closer she used the energy in her hands to carry her, just as wanda taught her, to the trucks and took a seat behind torres.

"hey sammy, i'm on the ground with torres." jaclyn informs him through the ear piece, smiling slightly at the sigh that escaped sam from the nickname. she could practically see him rolling his eyes.

"i got eyes on a plane. any sign of LAF?" sam asks, deciding to ignore jaclyn's comment.

"nah, nothing yet." torres says. "but i'll keep tracking the chatter."

jaclyn tried to watch as best she could from the truck, but she could barely see anything without binoculars. she glanced around her a finally noticed a pair sitting on the floor beside her.

"they've already hijacked the plane." sam tells them.

"oh, we're gonna need to call some people." torres shakes his head slightly.

"okay, switching to plan B." sam says quickly.

"what's plan B?" jaclyn asks quickly.

"you'll see." sam responds, making her roll her eyes slightly. "redwing, engage."

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